25 People On The Creepy Occurrence That Scared Them To Death

12. They starved a man to death and were relieved when he died

“Back story, worked in home healthcare for a bit and was taking care of someone that was bedridden. Hospice workers put him in his bed and hooked him up with morphine. It was of mine and my wife’s (she also looked after him when I was off, I did the graveyard shift) opinion this was completely out of line and unnecessary. He was never in pain and could speak fairly coherently, but because he had trouble swallowing a pill once, they called Hospice and put him on his literal deathbed.

They basically starved him to death for what felt like 2 weeks but can’t remember. I was only allowed to swab his lips with water. The night of his passing, he was absolutely unable to move and communicate except for screams of pain, maybe from hunger but I’m not sure. I was told to give him one button press of morphine if he screams. Later on, I peeked into his room and saw him looking up and pointing at something. An hour later, he stopped breathing.

His family came, and they were basically overjoyed. One of them said under her breathe “finally…” This part just made me incredibly angry. I just witnessed someone literally starve to death and I was new so this shook me to the core. Never will I do this line of work again, families can be truly evil.” — tpolaris

13. I lived inside of a dream for ten years

“I lived in a dream for 10 years. Finished uni. Got married. Had 2 kids. When I finally died in my dream, (heart attack) I woke up. It was so real and I was sad for quite a while because I fell in love with my wife and then found out she didn’t exist. My 2 kids were also great; 2 boys named Noah and Ryan. Twins who were 2 when I died. This happened last year to me when I was 14. I searched it up and people have experienced it before (there was actually some guy on reddit as well who experienced it) but it’s rare. Doctors said it didn’t mean anything and that it didn’t cause any damage whatsoever. This happened in a 1 night period but it felt like 10 years I wasn’t actually asleep for 10 years.” — Evilldeadd

14. I bumped into a man with black eyes

“I remember this guy from high school, had green eyes. knew him from yr 7 to yr 10, used to play soccer/handball lunchtimes with us — cool guy. He mentioned he was leaving year 10. anyway on the last day of year 10 when we were handing our books back I suddenly bumped into him….We looked at each other for a good 5 seconds and walked in opposite direction not saying a word, both startled — his eyes were black.” — razormane1

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