25 People On The Creepy Occurrence That Scared Them To Death

10. Two men pretended to be cops and kidnapped me

“When I was about 16, two older guys bundled me into the back of a car saying they were police. They then started driving in the direction of the local hills/mountains. Luckily one of them lived beside a friend of my brothers and once he realized I knew exactly who he was the car was turned around and I was dropped back where I started.” — drumanddrummer

11. I saw a small ghost girl clutching a teddy bear

“My parents moved us to a new farm house in rural New Zealand when I was about 8. Right from the start things were not right. You could tell families with children had lived there before as there were swings in the trees and i found old toys in the gardens etc There was a very ominous presence and feeling to that place, that even I at 8 years old could feel. Firstly my mother tried to plant flowers around the house and without fail they were dead within days of planting. She tried everything to correct, from new soil to fertilizers, nothing all dead. In my playtime in the yard I started to notice all around the boundaries of the property were animal bones and carcasses, small animals like rabbits and hedgehog all scattered around the perimeter but never inside, all outside like they tried to cross the threshold and dropped dead. New Zealand is cold and my Dad loved a good fire. He would get the fireplace absolutely roaring like an inferno and the house refused to heat. Only standing directly in front of it would you feel any heat, but the wall of chilled air always felt like the more powerful force. Attached to the garage was a large playroom where naturally all my toys and belongings lived. This was the negative energy epicenter to the house. Something was defiantly in there, and it commanded my attention. I couldn’t see it, but I could feel its every move, and it was angry. The energy felt like a wild animal pacing back and forth at one end of the room, and if I kept to the other end it was manageable, and almost calmed down as long as I kept my distance. In one corner of its end of the room was a large stain on the carpet tiles, with a 3-4ft radius. It was dark in color and looked like it had tried to be cleaned with mop as it had smears through it. When ever I got too close to that stain there was a crushing sense of being watched and being looked down upon.

So one clear cold night, I woke up wide awake, and sat up in bed. My room was right at the end of the hallway, the final destination so to speak if you were walking down there, and I heard the light footsteps of a child running excitedly. As I heard this I looked to my left at the doorway, and there she was. A small girl, of roughly 4-5 years old (at a guess). She had her hair in pigtails and her top half looked to be in a singlet that a young girl would wear to bed and she was clutching a teddy bear, and from just below her waist she faded into a beautiful light blue shimmering mist, that I remember subtly illuminated my room. This young girl filled me with the most serene sense of calm, I was not scared or alarmed at all, she kind of had me locked in a trance staring at her. She had worry on her face though and looked as though she was afraid of being caught with me. In my catatonic state I managed to utter what I can only remember as some sort of greeting, and as soon as I did she recoiled like a shy child does when being greeted by someone new and strange. She moved back into the doorway of the room and faded until the blue mist turned to darkness again. I lay down again in complete peace and drifted to sleep.

Talking about it years later to my family, I feel like something happened to that girl in that playroom, and maybe she tried to reach out to me, as I was also a child, in her domain. It remains my absolute clearest memory to this day.” — -castle-bravo-

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