25 People On The Creepy Occurrence That Scared Them To Death

8. We saw a group of people without any features on their faces

“I’ve told this before and it always gets buried. We were driving in the mountains in Colorado with some friends on our way to a ski lodge in Telluride. On the way to our hotel we were driving up and down these winding roads deep deep in the mountains which seemed like forever. It was pitch black outside and around 3AM and we had to at least be 45ish minutes from the nearest town, and it was cold, like see your own breath below 10 degrees freezing cold. As we were driving along, my friends and I all see 4 figures walking on the road coming towards us. We all get weird feelings inside but I did especially, and the hair on my neck stood up. Something didn’t seem right. We were way too far away from a town and it was wayyy too cold for hitch hikers or hikers of any sort. We get closer and closer and as we got right next to these ‘people’ we slow down and we realized that they had NO Faces! Four people walking in the dead of the night wearing black hoods and capes like gowns and they literally had no faces. And by no faces I mean like no eyes, mouth, ears, just blank white pale faces. I’m familiar with ski masks and these were not ski masks. They had hoods on like something from Scream almost. My friends and I all freaked the fuck out speeding away, and my toughest manliest friend of us all was crying, mind you he was in his late 20s. It was the most afraid I’ve ever been and it still scares me thinking about and typing out. No idea what they were or anything. Demons maybe? It will forever be a mystery. We didn’t sleep well the next few nights/months.” — ProffesorBongsworth

9. We rented a haunted condo in Florida

“We rented a condo in some town in Florida and, in all seriousness, the room I was in was haunted. I know the majority of people on here don’t have any patience for stories like this, but there really is no other explanation for what happened. My mother is the biggest atheist/science/evidence person, and even she admits there is no explanation.

I’ll edit it with the story if anyone’s interested, but it wasn’t anything like 666 written with blood on the wall. It was more basic stuff, but when you are living in the room for a month, it definitely creeps you out.

Actually, screw it, here’s the rundown:

  • Was listening to music. Put the headphones down. Left the room. Came back, the headphones were hanging from the celling fan. The cord was completely still and not moving at all.
  • Things would constantly move around.
  • Lots of loud noises like someone was throwing something against the wall.
  • One night, tried to sleep, and heard a loud noise like above. Looked around, nothing on the ground, so tried to go back to sleep. A couple minutes later, this super loud commotion happened, and I turned on the light to see EVERYTHING on the dresser was thrown off. It was a tile floor, and the noise the nail polish made while rolling across was even more creepy.
  • We decided to lighten the mood by sitting in the room and offering the presence some cookies we bought since it was giant and brand new and we barely ate any. We were just messing around, didn’t really think anything of it. Since we were super scared at that point we didn’t sleep in the room. Woke up to see the box of cookies on the bed, open and empty, with crushed up cookies covering the room.
  • The final straw was that we were trying to sleep. There was an old TV we never used sitting on the dresser. It was dead silent, and all of a sudden I heard that high pitched noise old TVs make when turning it on. We ran out of the room and it, no kidding, turned on to static. Like the stereotypical horror movie. I timidly walked in to turn it off and never slept in that room again.-We slept on the couch for the rest of the month (So, about two weeks) and it was hunky dory once we were out of there.

I felt so unsettled in the room. I felt like someone was watching me. I hated getting changed, and the bathroom was also somewhat like this (mainly in the room, but some stuff happened in the bathroom too). Showers were awful.

I actually tried researching if these condos were built on some cemetery or something, but nothing came up. We asked the neighbors if anyone else who rented it complained, and they told us this story about how a man kept hearing a ball bounce from the apartment above. He eventually asked the people above him if they could stop, but they were never bouncing anything. Kind of a tame story, but my aunt (who was there before us, in the separate master bedroom) got pale in the face and said she heard that same ball, but it stopped once we came and started staying in that room.

So, that’s my story. Again, no one’s going to ask for the rights to make a movie, but it makes for a good story and still creeps me out.” — anevolena

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