25 People On The Creepy Occurrence That Scared Them To Death

23. A crazed woman showed up on our doorstep

“I was home alone with my sister. I was eleven and my sister was fourteen. We had just gotten home from school and we were new to the concept of being home alone. My younger brother had left his bike out on the stoop by our front door as he had always had a tendency to do. I was practicing piano when I heard someone knock on the door. I went downstairs and saw a woman dressed in all black with black sunglasses outside the door. I opened it and she said hello. She told me she was looking for her son and that he might possibly be playing in the neighborhood. I was confused and asked what her son’s name was. She insinuated by looking at the bike that her son might be playing with my brother, but would not give a name. I called my sister who also approached the door. The woman was very deadpan and gloomy. She just kept asking if we had seen her son. We finally were freaked out enough and slammed the door closed. I ran to a window to see what was happening outside after we had shut the door in her face. The lady stood at the door for about five mins. She didn’t move. She just stood silently. She then slowly walked to her car and got in. It was a black car. She backed out of our driveway and onto the street, where she proceeded to sit and idle for more time. I remember frantically not understanding what to do. During this time, my sister and I were scared. We knew our brother was in school still and that his bike had just been parked there. We didn’t understand who this was or what to do. We were unsure to call 911 because there were two daycare houses close to where we lived. Stupid me found my baseball bat and we sat watching her car until we saw our mother’s car approaching. When our mother’s car pulled in our driveway, her car sped off immediately. Our mom didn’t believe us when we told her about the weird encounter. I still remember how deadpan and off-putting the woman was. I don’t know what really to believe.” — loveadumb

24. I was stalked by a mountain lion

“I was stalked through the forest by a mountain lion. It was the creepiest feeling.

I was hiking some pretty fantastic trails with my dog and her hair started standing up, and she started making a barely audible growl and looking around in the woods frantically and she was stuck to me like glue.
I didn’t see anything, but decided to head back anyway.
The whole time my dog was on high alert and I just kept talking to her loudly, but I could feel my own adrenaline spiking and started getting really paranoid and felt like someone was watching me. I was pretty convinced I was going be murdered so I started walking faster, but not running.
We were nearing the entrance when I saw my dog freeze and stare intently into the woods. I followed her gaze and there was a mountain lion, slightly crouched and looking right at us. I never realized how fucking big those things are, and my stomach dropped. I backed away while facing it the rest of the way into the parking area. It didn’t move so I backed the rest of the way to my car, got my dog and myself in, and just sat there.
I called the DEP to let them know there was a mountain lion in the area…. all they said was I must’ve misidentified a deer because there’s no mountain lions in our state. They acted like I reported seeing Bigfoot.” — SingGangrene 

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