When I Fall In Love Again

Catherine McMahon
Catherine McMahon

When I fall in love again,
I will be ready to say goodbye to you.
When I fall in love again, I will know what I want.
I won’t let my next partner tell me that I want is too much.

When I fall in love again,
It will be with a man who is not afraid to be scared
Who is not afraid of me being angry sometimes
Those are just emotions.

When I fall in love again,
He won’t be mad that I love him and want him.
He will be flattered that I want to put so much of my time
and energy into learning about him.
He will not shake me off.
He will not make me feel lonely, or unwanted.

When I fall in love again,
He will not make me feel like I am in competition with other girls.
He will not tell me he doesn’t want to be affectionate.
He will want me at his house, in his arms, and in his life.
And it will be always, not when he is bored.

When I fall in love again,
I will be ready to leave you, As you left me.
I tried so hard for you,
My past love.
But when I fall in love again,
He will try just as hard,
For me,
He will tell me I deserve it.
I deserve the effort.
I deserve it because I am enough.

When I fall in love again,
I will be more careful,
But that will be okay with him.
He will wait until I am ready to open up,
And catch me the times that I fall.
He will know that you have hurt me, Badly.
That I felt like you broke me.
Left me feeling not enough.
And he will say that you were wrong.
He will say that I am the best thing to ever come into his life.
That I am just what he wants, just what he has been looking for.
And he will do something you didn’t do, when you whispered those words to me.
He’ll prove it.
He’ll say it and he will show it and he won’t let me go.
Not ever.

When I fall in love again,
I’ll be more careful,
Because I’ll make sure that who I fall in love with, Catches me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Taryn Jaye

I want to live life to the fullest and love myself and figure my shit out. I am not there yet. But writing helps me get there.

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