A Love Letter To My Body

Scott Webb
Scott Webb

You have endured so many falls and you bear the scars to show it. I know I should treat you better, after all you are the only body I will ever get. I push you too hard and sometimes I even refuse to feed you because I’m afraid I will not like the results, but I should not hate you. I do not hate the Sun for shining down on the flowers. I do not hate the Moon for lighting the streets as I walk around at night.

I’m sorry for the times I ridiculed you viciously and let my “friends” do the same. I am sorry for the cuts and bruises I have acquired because I was not gentle.

I am sorry that I cannot say I’m in love with you… but I will say that I do love aspects of you.

I love the way you grow in just the right places as if you are a galaxy and the freckles on my body are constellations. You help me to wake up in the morning and push myself out of bed even when I have a horrible feeling that nothing will go right.

You are perfection in the way that you help me live a wholesome life.

Thank you for helping me heal after I cry every ounce of water out of you. Thank you for warning me of a bad situation by giving me shivers down my spine. Thank you for not giving up on me when I force alcohol into my body and especially thank you for later saving me by rejecting it. Thank you for enduring the pain of a needle so that I may decorate you with reminders of past experiences and important mantras.

Thank you for being the perfect body for me.

I promise to attempt to love you before all else. I promise to give you what you deserve. I promise to never let another unworthy man touch you for his pleasure. I will not allow anything less than what you are worth walk into your life and get to know you. I will listen to your cravings and take care of you when you are not well so that you may continue to grow strong and beautiful. I will never let another human being criticize you without the reminder that you were created whole and my own opinion is the only important one.

I will take down the walls in my mind that tell me how to act certain ways. I will let it wander freely and imagine new worlds that have never been created. I will follow up every harsh comment of myself with the remembrance that I am loved and wonderful. I will fill my brain with poems about love and forgiveness. I will entertain myself with fantastic stories and knowledge of the world around me.

And lastly, to everything I am, I will love you forever because you are mine forever. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Skyler Leyva

co-dependent on a fine tip pen and lined paper

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