What I Really Mean When I Tell You I Love You

 Rebecca Ashley
Rebecca Ashley

I know I tell you I love you a lot, and I know that sometimes it’s all I say. The truth is that I’ve always struggled with putting my thoughts into words. Saying I love you may seem natural or like a habit, but it is truly anything but that.

Actions may speak louder than words, but when I tell you I love you I want you to know what I really mean. When I tell you I love you I don’t say it lightly. My love for you goes beyond words, but here’s my attempt at containing it:

When I tell you I love you I’m telling you how fascinating you are to me. Saying I love you is like telling you how I want to know every single thought in your beautiful mess of a brain. Your essence makes me want to unravel the mystery within your mind. I’m so drawn to every syllable spoken from your lips. I want you to know how connected I am to you. I want you to know how deeply I love the most inner parts of you when I say those three words.

When I tell you I love you it’s a simplified way of expressing to you the things you make me feel. My feelings for you are everlasting. Your heart is my home and I find comfort in your presence.

You should know that I tell you I love you because you set fire to my soul and make my heart sing with happiness. I love you wholeheartedly. I smile unconsciously at the thought of you, my chest fills with pride at the thought that you’re mine, and I miss you every single minute we’re apart. There are no limits on my love for you, and that’s what I want you to think of when I tell you I love you.

I love the darkest parts of you, and that’s what I mean when I tell you I love you. I love every scar that’s left on your heart and every tear that’s ever rolled down your cheek.

I’ve fallen in love with each and every part of you, even the parts of you that you never wanted me to see. When I tell you I love you it’s really a way of thanking you for loving me through all of my brokenness, and for filling every crack in my heart with your love.

Those three words stand for many things when it comes to you. Love may be a feeling, but I believe that part of it is a choice as well. When I tell you I love you, it means that I am in this for the long haul. This relationship is not a temporary stay. I will be here for you through every compromise and every argument. I will not run, panic, or give up.

When I tell you I love you it means that I’ll fight like hell for you. Always.

So the next time you pour your heart out to me and I only reply with those three simple words, just know that it’s because my mouth can’t keep up with all the thoughts inside my head. Know that when I tell you I love you it means that you are truly everything to me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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