If There Was A Parallel Universe, I’d Love You Just The Same

girl in love no matter what
Jon Asato

If there was a parallel universe somewhere out there. A place where we could be possibly be together- I would cherish every inch of your body and every atom of your soul. I would wait for you under the scorching heat, under the pouring rain, in the depths of darkness- I would wait for you because I know that once you would be in the embrace of my arms, everything would make sense and everything would be okay.

We would listen to the soft music that you love while sharing a cup of coffee. And every ticking minute that would pass by, I would feel closer and closer to heaven. And if you’d ask me why I enjoyed every single second with you so much and why I couldn’t live without you, I’d have no logical explanation. It would be the safety and the simplicity that I saw in your eyes, how falling into your arms felt like ascending to a greater place- to paradise.

When you sat next to me- so close, I could see our skin wrinkling away together and how I would hold your hand through the all the changes that we would go through. You would tell me how you didn’t even have to try and just how a river flows effortlessly, you trickled down into my soul and how you would say that you’d never imagine that breathing underwater would feel so great.

In a universe far away, where there were raging wars and bloodshed and complicated thoughts, we would be dancing at 2 am in our little house together.

If there was a parallel universe, our souls would be the only things colliding into each other. We wouldn’t have to parade around and let the world know or shower each other with roses. We would only be in each other’s’ thoughts and that would be enough for us to believe. No fight would be strong enough to break us apart. No differences would be enough to make either of us feel left out. No silence between us would make us feel empty or hollow.

No falling flower would make us feel like time is running out. No darkness would make us feel devoid of light. For, we’d be each other’s sunlight seeping through the soft cracks of the leaves that would form in the sky.

No winter would be cold enough. Your hand, even though it is slightly bigger than mine, it would fit. Your eye colour is blue and mine is brown and somehow those two colours don’t go together but when we would look into each other’s eyes, they’d complement each other under the shimmering sunlight.

No secret would be big enough to hide from each other, because faith would be the only powerful thing in this world. In this world, our hearts would be the only things racing fast while time outside with the wind would slow down and become soft, only so that we could savour every given moment with other.

Of everything I know about the existence of multiverses and the cosmos, if there was a parallel universe somewhere out there, a reality where there would be nothing holding us back from each other, where everything was pure and safe and sweet- I’d love you just the same. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Reetica Pattanayak

You can see some of my works on my insatgram: basicallyree

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