6 Reasons I Want To Be A Tumblr Kid

5. They aren’t afraid to say what they feel.


Romain Toornier
Romain Toornier
Romain Toornier

1. They dress themselves as a reflection of who they are.

How many of you can honestly say that every outfit you’ve worn is a reflection of your personality? That you wear pieces of clothing that best define you and you adore them as well? I know I can’t.

I’ve molded how I dress for someone numerous times and for various occasions; and no, I’m not talking about for a job interview either. I’m talking about for ex boyfriends, old friends, and pretty much everyone else excluding myself. I molded my fashion sense and dressed liked all my peers in high school (well I tried; I am all about that frugal life y’all, hello knock offs). Then college comes around and it’s all about monogramming this and that, Jack Rogers’ sandals, Lily Pulitzer, Polo… it was hard to keep up with what was the latest trend.

But you know what’s refreshing? Not dressing for someone else and dressing for you. Tumblr kids are masters at this, not giving any fucks about what anyone else thinks.

Plenty of us conform our own fashion sense in fear of being judged by our friends for what is actually hanging in our closets, but don’t you desperately want to show off your dad’s vintage army jacket? Or that black jumpsuit you never thought you’d be able to pull off? If you want to wear that cropped top and those high wasted denim shorts with your leggings that have cats all over them, do it (because meow’s the time). Quite frankly, you only have a few more years until your ass becomes saggy.

So next time you’re standing in front your closet debating what to wear, be like a Tumblr kid and wear whatever the hell your heart desires. Your exquisite fashion taste will probably pay off and you’ll be the one standing out, and who doesn’t love a little attention here and there?

(Oh, and quick PSA for all the fellas reading; do the female population and me a huge favor and please wear more flannel.)

2. They quite possibly have the best outlook on breakups.

Whether you’re the dumper or dumpee, Tumblr kids understand. That’s why if your significant other recently broke up with you, you turn to those depressing posts of quotes and images they’ve created. I mean who hasn’t been that person in that one .gif of the girl falling down against the wall to the ground crying? Oh, and then there are the Tumblr kids who create posts that revolve around why exes became exes. You know, the ones that say all the shitty things someone in a relationship is capable of doing, like cheating.

These posts will help justify what went wrong in the relationship, especially a decision you may have made. I mean who doesn’t love seeking the acceptance of their choices within others? I’m not kidding; go look at the posts I’m talking about.

3. They are living life according to “laissez-faire.”

Tumblr kids know exactly how to live in the moment. They pretty much epitomize this concept and, let’s be real, their rooms are full of polaroid shots documenting it all. They know how to live for today and do not waste the precious time they do have worrying about stuff that’s only minor in the grand scheme of things.

In the end, we’ll all end up who and where we’re meant to be.

What we need to learn from Tumblr kids here is that it’s O.K. to take a step back every once in awhile and let the answers unravel themselves.

We simply don’t have control and power over some situations, so don’t waste any more time trying to.

4. They are this generation’s own Henry David Thoreau (well, kind of).

One of my favorite quotes by Thoreau (and potentially of all time) is, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

Now please tell me: Is there a Tumblr kid out there who isn’t granola (you know, being one with nature)? If they’re not in the great outdoors exploring, they’re at least editing pictures that encourage people to do so.

All that you discover about yourself when you’re alone with wilderness for a few hours will surprise you (take my advice, it’s good for the soul).

Be more like a Tumblr kid and appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds you while you’re exploring, it’s always the simple and understated things in life we take for granted.

5. They aren’t afraid to say what they feel.

From experience, I know how emotions have the capability of paralyzing someone. They bubble up inside until you’re unable to vocalize what it is exactly that you’re feeling .

Although I personally struggle with communication in general, this particular issue I’ve noticed actually comes from my lack of courage to say what it is I’m truly feeling. That’s why I’m jealous of Tumblr kids. If they are mad or sad, in love or suffering from severe heartache, they make it known. They aren’t embarrassed or ashamed of their emotions because of what someone might think. And why should we be? Isn’t it our emotions that make us human?

So next time you feel silly for having butterflies in your stomach, or that knot in the back of your throat for whatever reason, don’t.

And never, ever apologize to someone for feeling the way you do. Apologize for how you handled your emotions, but always remember that it’s your own freedom that allows you to feel whatever it is you’d like.

6. Tumblr kids never hold themselves to society’s standards.

So neither should you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark