To The Boy Who Broke My Heart

I am sorry for a lot of things.

I am sorry for not meeting you when I said I would.

I am sorry for not answering your calls just because I was out with my friends.

I am sorry for not making you feel that the distance is killing me.

I am sorry for not staying up late to be with you.

I am sorry for not cooking you breakfast.

I am sorry for not changing the music when you asked me to.

I am sorry for not talking to you when my favorite TV series is on TV.

I am sorry for not being there when your mom broke your heart.

And I am most sorry for not letting you hug me before I left.

I am sorry that love just was not good enough to keep us going.

I am sorry that trust was not our strongest weapon.

I am sorry that I doubted your love.

I am sorry that I shout and I snap and I act like a baby.

I am sorry that the times we were together fell short.

I am sorry that I keep you worrying about me and only me.

I am sorry that I was not there to dance with you when the music seemed to be for us.

I am sorry that I made you cry.

I am sorry that I did not do anything to stop the hurting.

And I am most sorry that it always had to be you apologizing.

I am sorry I can’t watch action movies with you.

I am sorry I can’t comprehend your love for black.

I am sorry I can’t listen to your favorite songs.

I am sorry I can’t tell the truth.

I am sorry I can’t understand that you would rather be with me than be with your friends.

And I am most sorry that I can’t do the same.

I am sorry for not appreciating your midnight greetings.

I am sorry for always asking for more when what you are giving is already enough.

I am sorry for not returning the call when it would have mattered most.

I am sorry for not hearing you out when all you wanted was to explain.

I am sorry for not giving you the explanations you deserved.

And I most sorry for acting like it did not affect me at all.

I am sorry for always being in the wrong places.

I am sorry for not letting you eat a burger when you wanted to.

I am sorry for not keeping my promises.

And I am most sorry for shedding tears on the pages of our love letters.

I am sorry that I can’t take it back.

I am sorry for breaking your heart.

I am sorry for being selfish.

I am sorry for not admitting that I was the one who broke your heart.

And I am most sorry for not telling you I still love you back. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Niña Mallillin

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