10 WTF Things You Can Find On The Internet

This is just 10 out of millions, if not billions of weird things you find on the internet.


This is just 10 out of millions, if not billions of weird things you find on the internet. My favorite is the Skull Trumpet video.

1. Hommer Simpson 5: Treehouse of Hommer


2. Ronald McDonald Insanity


3. Squidward’s Suicide


4. Dog Of Man


5. Webcam

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/31005812 w=584&h=390]

6. Spinning Korean Ghost


7. Skull Trumpet


8. Ando-san Of The Woods


9. Cat With Hands


10. NASA Voyager Records Sounds From Jupiter


Okay, this is just really cool. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

image – YouTube