I Hope Tomorrow Brings You More Than Just The Sun

“The sun will come out tomorrow.” This hit song, from the beloved musical Annie, promises that tomorrow will take away the gray skies. That tomorrow will come no matter what to clear away all the sorrow. It’s a powerful, profound song and is as lovely as it can be. But you can bet your bottom dollar there is more I hope tomorrow brings you than just the sun rising, lighting your way and clearing the cobwebs to face another day.

I hope tomorrow brings you the opportunity to take on that second chance you have been longing for. I hope tomorrow brings you closure from all the uncertainties and all the questions. I hope tomorrow brings light into your heart so you may see just how wonderfully and beautifully made you are. I hope tomorrow brings you hope, a sturdy one, that you can cling onto to fight for your life. I hope tomorrow brings you the courage to stay and defeat all the hurt that is consuming you without remorse. I hope tomorrow brings you freedom from the misery that grips you at the throat.

I hope tomorrow brings you a new destination, whether it be a person or a place, so you can explore and find wonders in the unknown. I hope tomorrow brings you something to discover and to question, if only to bring on the humility to know you have so much more to learn. I hope tomorrow brings you challenges that test your skills so you can learn, grow, conquer new things, and stretch your limitations until you feel unstoppable. I hope tomorrow brings you a mountain to climb, if only to show you that you are capable of difficult things and you can make it to the top.

I hope tomorrow brings you contentment, the realization that coffee is just as good when brewed from home as it is “handcrafted” and poured into a disposable cup with your name on it, that you are where you are meant to be for the time being. I hope tomorrow brings you clarity, the kind that helps you recognize you are not the number on the scale or the size that you wear. I hope tomorrow brings you the motivation you’ve been waiting for to kick in to do your laundry, to apply for that job (finally), to stretch, to move, to call your mom or a loved one. I hope tomorrow brings you the grit you’ve been brewing inside of you to make a change, even if that change only first involves eating breakfast instead of skipping it like usual or changing that toilet paper roll without waiting weeks to do so.

I hope tomorrow brings you forgiveness – the chance to ask for one and to offer one. I hope tomorrow brings you a helping hand, a hand to hold, if only to show that you are not alone – you never were. I hope tomorrow brings you every ounce of confidence you need to love yourself fiercely and love others just as boldly in return. I hope tomorrow brings you the time to care for yourself so you can care for others too. I hope tomorrow brings you love, old and new, that ignites your soul.

I hope tomorrow brings you time to pause, rest, and regroup. I hope tomorrow brings you the grace you’ve been needing to go easy on yourself when you find your day is not going as planned.

I hope tomorrow brings you laughter, the infectious kind that makes your tear up, the kind that is like music to the ears, the kind that makes you feel like you just did a thousand crunches. I hope tomorrow brings you moments to treasure and stories that bring joy to spill at the dinner table. I hope tomorrow brings you serenity, the kind that makes having dinner alone just as enjoyable as when you share it with another. I hope tomorrow brings you occasions to toast instead of ones that make you drink too fast and a little too much.

I hope tomorrow brings you everything your heart has been yearning for, and if it doesn’t, I hope it brings you faith that maybe tomorrow’s tomorrow will. I hope tomorrow brings you not just sunshine, but rainbows that promise the end of a storm. Hues that promise endings can be beautiful too.

I hope, dear one, that tomorrow brings you a reason to live and not just exist.

About the author

Maria Vaught

Writer, psychologist, bookworm. Fueled by coffee & desire to inspire.