Dear God, Thank You For Showing Me What Love Truly Is

Dear God, Thank You For Showing Me What Love Truly Is
God & Man

I’ve written countless letters and poems, that usually end up stacked up somewhere in my room, for people I care about, people I love, and people I admire. I’ve never really written anything for You.

I’ve only just realized it and out of all the many things I wanna say, I don’t even know how to start.

I know no better way to start this than saying I love You. Though I don’t show it nor do I say it often, I do. You are and will always be the best friend I, or anyone for the matter, could ever have. No amount of words would ever suffice to describe how in love I am with You. I am in awe of Your presence. I am in awe of the kind of love You have for me. For the world.

I know I have not been such a pleasing daughter, friend, or however You may see me as. I’m a mess. I’m a work in progress and I know I’m nowhere near anything that deserves You. I guess it’s a little shameless of me to talk to You so casually, but I know You’re listening.

I’m sorry. You have probably heard this from me a million times and more and still see me making the same mistake over and over again. I’m sorry for that too. I’m sorry for the times I hurt You. I’m sorry for the times that I give You great disappointment. I’m sorry for the times that You don’t even cross my mind. I’m sorry for the times that I forget that I am not, have never been, and will never be alone. I am deeply sorry.

Despite all of those things, I thank You for loving me. Thank You for Your unconditional love, and for always giving a piece of Your heart to me when I least deserve it. I thank You for never leaving me alone even if it often goes unnoticed, or worse, unappreciated. Thank You for continually blessing me with all the small and big miracles even if I sometimes blame You for my troubles. Thank you for always calling me back when start to drift and lose my way. Thank You for the kind of person You are molding me to be. But more than that, thank You for everything that You are.

Lord, I could never have enough words of gratitude and apology to show how much I meant every word. You have Your ways in making Yourself known to the world and I couldn’t be any more thankful, for You have given me eyes that can see Your Greatness and a heart that is open to You. Know that I believe You– that I will always believe in You.

I cannot guarantee that after everything I’ve said, I will not disappoint or hurt you again. I am not perfect, Lord, but as much as I can, I try to live a life with You. I try to give love like You do. If there’s one thing I am definitely sure of, it’s that I’m trying and that I will always find my way back to You, because You’re my home.

I have a wonderful father, friend, brother, teacher, and savior all in one amazing and gracious God. I have everything.

What more could I possibly need? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Maria Cheena Cabuenas

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