Honestly, I Just Miss You Dad

I miss you Dad. You’re no longer here. I miss you for a lot of reasons. I miss you when I could have used you in my life right now.

I miss you Dad when we use to see each other at your house every Sunday. I would come up there every Sunday to visit.

I miss you Dad when we use to watch football together. We would watch it together every Sunday. That included regular season, playoffs, and Super Bowl.

I miss you Dad when we went to concerts together. You took me to see Elton John and Billy Joel face to face, KISS, and Paul McCartney.

I miss you Dad when you use to give me the dad talk even though you didn’t raise me. You knew a thing or two that was in my best interest.

I miss you Dad for what you taught me. No wonder I consider myself a businessman today. I still remember that day at the fair when I pulled off that deal to get an Elton John portrait.

I miss you Dad when you use to always know that I will find the love of my life. I miss you Dad when I know she’s here and you’re not.

I miss you Dad when you use to call me “my little buddy.”

You’re my father. My one and only father. No one can ever replace you as a father in my life. I know you’re up there watching me and continuing to be proud of me. I know you’re going to watch me have all my dreams, get married, and see your grandchildren from up there next to God himself.

I love you Dad and I miss you every day. It never got easier knowing you’re not here anymore. It may never get easier.

But I’ll catch up with you one day. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Louis Scarantino

Autism Advocate, Writer, Motivational Speaker