Lorenzo Jensen III
The 100 All-Time Greatest Quotes About Cats
“In the beginning, God created man, but seeing him so feeble, He gave him the cat.”
8 True & Terrifying Tales Of “Sticking Your D*ck In Crazy” (NSFW)
“She was going nuts…talking in tongues and acting completely insane.”
The 100 All-Time Greatest Quotes About Falling In Love
1. You can’t blame gravity for falling in love. —Albert Einstein 2. The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down. —Unknown 3.
29 Things Men Say They’ll Never Understand About Women
Found on AskReddit. 1. Why are the crazy ones the best in bed? Why mental/emotional stability is inversely proportionate to good sex. 2. Why do you keep dating assholes?
29 Things Women Say They’ll Never Understand About Men
“Why do you draw penises on everything?”
21 Things Women Say They’ll Never Understand About Male Anatomy (NSFW)
“Why are testicles always slowly moving in the scrotum like a lava lamp?”
21 Of The Smoothest Pick-Up Lines Ever Used
“You know, I think I’d rather dance with you.”
13 Of The Dumbest And Most Inappropriate Tattoos Ever (NSFW)
1. ”Wide Load” on a small penis.
14 Of The Grossest Body-Piercing Stories You’ve Ever Heard (NSFW)
Found on AskReddit. 1. “I wanted to vomit from the smell and his excitement.” Former piercer here. An older, rather smelly Army vet who wore kilts commando style came in to have his P.A.
25 Guys Describe The Most Disgusting Thing They Ever Stuck Their Penis In (NSFW)
“I f*cked a peanut-butter jar.”
50 Ways To Make Eating Ramen Noodles Less Depressing
“If you’re looking for a very simple way to make ramen extraordinary, go with Parmesan cheese.”
27 Girls Share The Most Jaw-Droppingly Insane ‘Crazy Ex-Boyfriend’ Stories You’ve Ever Heard
“He started believing he was a vampire. I began seeing him as having a not having a terribly strong grip on reality.”
50 Timeless Pieces Of Advice About Love & Relationships
“The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on Facebook.”
27 Guys Share The Most Insane ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ Stories You’ve Ever Heard
“She sent me a video of herself in underwear. Waved at the camera, took a blade to her wrist, wiped the blood into her fingers and waved goodbye.”
40 Men Describe The First Time They Saw A Vagina (NSFW)
“Lawdy lawdy miss Cookie… how’s do you keeps yo guts from fallin’ out ….?”
40 Women Describe The First Time They Saw A Penis (NSFW)
“It grossed me out! Male genitalia make me nauseous.”
90 Regular Movies Whose Titles Sound Like Porno Films
1. The 400 Blows
25 People Describe The Most Cringeworthy Sexual Mood-Killers Of All Time (NSFW)
“I whispered my brother’s name into her ear.”