GROSS: 21 Emergency Medical Technicians Share Disgusting True Tales Of Patients With EXTREMELY Bad Hygiene

3. Under her left breast we found a partially eaten ham sandwich which left mold stains on her skin in addition to a huge open lesion.

“I had an extremely morbidly obese patient with open pressure sores everywhere just from her fat folds rubbing against each other. The nurse and I were trying to find all of these lesions so we meticulously looked at her skin from head to toe. We kept finding things in the skin folds. Beneath her chins there was a thick layer of crumbling brownish paste, which I think was food debris mixed with raging yeast infection she had going on in every crevice. Under her left breast we found a partially eaten ham sandwich which left mold stains on her skin in addition to a huge open lesion. When we scraped out the remains of that sandwich she said, ‘That’s where that went!’ and laughed. Beneath her abdomen, which took two of us to lift, we found a pair of toenail clippers in the open position. Last, and possibly the worst, there was a used tampon stuck in the fold right outside her vulva. It was a tangled knot of hair, tampon, and old dried blood. She later explained that she hadn’t been able to walk or fit in the bathtub for at least four months. She’d been having her family lay bath towels under her for toileting and changing them out once a day.”


4. Her personal hygiene was so bad they had to remove her pubic hair because it was a matted clump with notable pieces of fecal matter and debris.

“I did not personally speak with the patient, but the file noted that her personal hygiene was so bad they had to remove her pubic hair because it was a matted clump with notable pieces of fecal matter and debris in it. Bless the person tasked with that one.”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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