GROSS: 21 Emergency Medical Technicians Share Disgusting True Tales Of Patients With EXTREMELY Bad Hygiene

21. It was like rotting carcass on the side of the road on a hot summer’s day.

“I once took care of an obese elderly woman who had bed sores on her butt, her legs, and her heels. They were all stage 3-4 at this point. You could stick two fists in the one on her coccyx, it was so deep. The wounds smelled like absolute death and rotting flesh, as to be expected. However, to make matters worse, she refused to bathe or have her dressings changed because it caused her too much pain. She also liked to keep her door shut and crank the heat up to 80 degrees. I can’t even begin to describe the smell that came from her room, even with the door shut. It was like rotting carcass on the side of the road on a hot summer’s day. It took everything in me to not throw up every time I had to enter that room. Her daughter used to eat with her in the room and I couldn’t believe it. I still shudder when I think of the smell. Eventually, she was admitted to the hospital due to sepsis (shocking), and she never came back after that.”

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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