GROSS: 21 Emergency Medical Technicians Share Disgusting True Tales Of Patients With EXTREMELY Bad Hygiene

19. The inside of a horizontally filleted inverted dick looks kinda like a sliced hot dog.

“I worked at a temporary, sometimes permanent physical rehab type facility as a Nurse Assistant. We would help people, mostly elderly and obese, through their healing (mostly broken hips) when they were in too bad of shape to take care of themselves at home.

There was this 400-pound guy I cared for, who had a catheter. In the year and a half I cared for him he became a very devoted Catholic and refused to shower for months and he didn’t let anyone clean his genitals or his catheter tube, he would constantly jerk on his tube, empty some of his urine on the floor or his crotch while hollering ‘Oh God Help Me, Jesus Save me, Oh Savior!’ And he would fiddle with his penis in a nonsexual way. The catheter wound up filleting the bottom half of his penis completely horizontally.

What happens when a male gets a catheter tube put through his penis there’s usually a thick brown bloody nasty smelling discharge and these sharp micro ‘crystals’ form around the tube right where the areola is and, if not properly cleaned, the sharp micro crystals slowly cut through whatever is rubbing or resting on them.

John Doe was an unintentional funny guy (at least in my mind, but I think everything’s kinda funny). He was an extremely polite guy. Instead of randomly groping the girl nurse assistants and sexually harassing them, like most male residents, he would say, ‘(My Name) would you please show me your breasts?’ Of course I would say that’s not a good idea and change the subject.

I would also like to add that it’s illegal for medical personnel to force someone to do something they flat-out refuse to do. John Doe seemed pretty with it mentally, but did some weird, off-the-wall stuff. I don’t remember if he was diagnosed with any mental disorder besides bipolar.

TL;DR Cared for a 400 pound gentleman with a urinary catheter who didn’t like showers or his penis/catheter tube cleaned. Dirty catheter tube horizontally filleted the bottom side of his penis.

Ninja Edit For The Curious: The inside of a horizontally filleted inverted dick looks kinda like a sliced hot dog.”

Name Withheld

20. Scrotum was black and the size of a volleyball.

“Advanced Fournier gangrene. Scrotum was black and the size of a volleyball, he back and buttocks had subcutaneous air and felt like bubble wrap. Horrendous smell. Up there with maggot legs.”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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