GROSS: 21 Emergency Medical Technicians Share Disgusting True Tales Of Patients With EXTREMELY Bad Hygiene

GROSS: 21 Emergency Medical Technicians Share Horrifyingly Awful Cases Of Patients With EXTREMELY Bad Hygiene
Found on AskReddit.

1. We pull back the blanket, and the smell hits our noses and eyes like a Kung Fu punch.

“I had a patient who was in her 50s, and well over 500lbs. She had urinated on herself (she didn’t care, either). So we go to clean her up. We pull back the blanket, and the smell hits our noses and eyes like a Kung Fu punch. It was the most sour, pungent thing I have ever smelled. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open it burned so badly. The worst part was that there was this stuff caked all around her bits, legs, in the folds, and falling onto the bed. The best way I could describe it was if you cut wet cardboard into confetti-sized pieces. Luckily, I had her for maybe 30 minutes before she got shipped to another hospital.”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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