40 Sexual Questions That Girls Have Always Wanted To Ask Guys (But Were Afraid To )
1. WTF do your balls do when you run?
“WTF do your balls do when you run? Is it uncomfortable or do you even notice?”
2. Do guys measure their weiners?
“A guy friend told me that guys measure their wieners, is that really true?”
3. Do different vaginas feel drastically different?
“Is there such a thing as good pussy? Like do different vaginas feel drastically different and what feels different about them? Is this a thing that’s always caused by one specific feature (eg. tightness/wetness) or is it similarly to penises more about how you particularly fit with someone else that makes them feel better?”
4. Do penises float in water?
“Do penises float in water? Or do they just kind of stay where they are at?”
5. How do you prefer your ladies to be groomed ‘down there’?
“How do you prefer your ladies to be groomed ‘down there’?”
6. Is it a turn-off if a girl is extremely wet?
“Is it a turn-off if a girl is extremely wet? I ask because a guy I was with was going to go down on me until he saw how wet I was. I’ve been so insecure about it since.”
7. What part of an attractive woman’s body do you notice first?
“What do you first notice when you meet an attractive girl? Is it her eyes, her smile, her boobs, her hips, her legs, her ass or the whole package combined?”
8. Can you tell when a girl is faking it?
“Can you tell when a girl is faking it? Probably already been asked but sometimes I just can’t orgasm with a man.”
9. Do y’all like dirty talk?
“What do you guys like to hear during sex? Do y’all like dirty talk? I’m more of a breather, the occasional name call, but I once had a partner who was convinced I wasn’t enjoying it because I wasnt being extremely vocal. What do you prefer?”
10. Like, where does your penis go when you’re wearing jeans?
“Like, where does your penis go when you’re wearing jeans? It doesn’t look like there’s space in there, y’know.”
11. Do Asian girls actually feel tighter?
“Do Asian girls actually feel tighter? The two guys I’ve been with say that I am tighter than other girls they’ve been with, so I’m wondering if that’s actually true or they were just talking smack.”
12. How does changing sexual positions make it better or worse for guys?.
“So, sex feels really physically different to girls depending on what position you’re in. How does changing position make it better or worse for guys? Is it because we’re tighter in some positions? Or is there something else that makes it better or worse?”
13. Do guys like having their balls sucked?
“Do guys like having their balls sucked?”
14. Do you actually get any form of pleasure from titty-fucking?
“Well do you actually get any form of pleasure from titty-fucking or do you do it just cause it’s amusing and funny? As a girl with big penis-huggers I got asked to do that a few times and always wondered.”
15. Do you actually care how vocal your girl is in bed?
“Guys, do you actually care how vocal your girl is in bed? I know that fake porn star moaning is usually seen as a turn off, but I feel like mostly any noise I make is more forced than not. I usually have a lot of heavy breathing, but sometimes I get self conscious that I’m a lot quieter than other girls. Whenever I’m with guys that moan/groan/grunt, I just get all giggly and I can’t help it. It’s not that I’m not enjoying sex, I just don’t have any involuntarily buttons to press that make me go ‘Mmmmm!’”
16. If a girl wears a push-up bra, and then you get her home and she takes it off, are you disappointed?
“If a girl wears a push-up bra, and then you get her home and she takes it off, are you disappointed? Or could you tell all along that she was making the most of her assets, or do you just not care either way because boobs?”
17. Is it disappointing for a girl not to swallow during a BJ?
“Is it disappointing for a girl not to swallow during a BJ? I happily give my bf as many BJs as he wants and then some. But I can’t stand the taste of cum and he refuses to eat pineapples or take those capsules so I usually edge him then ride him to finish him off. He seems happy but would it be a problem for other guys?”
18. When it comes to good blowjobs, do guys prefer the deep-throating?
“When it comes to good blowjobs, do guys prefer the deep-throating? Is that like a requirement for a good BJ? Or is it like, more of the teasing, friction and licking?”
19. When you pee, do you hold your dick, sit on the toilet, or just whip it out and hope it aims the toilet?
“When you pee, do you hold your dick, sit on the toilet, or just whip it out and hope it aims the toilet?”
20. Do men care if you’re not very pretty down there?
“Do men care if you’re not very pretty down there? I have large outer and inner labia and don’t really like for men to see it for fear they’ll be grossed out since it doesn’t look like what they’ve viewed in porn.
I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve been with my husband for five years and he’s never actually seen my vagina for this reason. We have sex in the dark. We’ve also never had sex with other people. I’ve caught him viewing porn before and the women look nothing like me, which I guess makes me more self conscious.”
21. When you hug us, can you feel our boobs touching your chest?
“When you hug us, can you feel our boobs touching your chest? When I hug other girls I never feel a difference but since y’all are flat chested I always wondered if you could feel a difference.”
22. Do you guys really always think about sex?
“Do you guys really always think about sex? A lot of intelligent women I know seem to believe that, and even believe that every guy who approaches them wants sex. I don’t really know if I believe that, but I personally think about sex a lot, too, lol. Also, do you really categorize a girl early on? As in, she’s either ‘”girlfriend, hookup or wife’ status? Or is that just a bunch of bullshit?”
23. Why do you enjoy eating ass?
“Guys who enjoy eating ass…why? What’s the appeal?”
24. Do guys honestly like the choking noises women make in porn while sucking dick?
“Do guys honestly like the choking noises women make in porn while sucking dick? I feel like that would be a turn off if I was a guy.”
25. Why do you keep ‘adjusting’ yourself down there?
“When a guy ‘adjusts’ himself a lot does that mean he keeps on getting a boner or he’s uncomfy down there so he needs to make himself comfy??”
26. Do you really want to fuck all our friends, too?
“Got another one. This guy I was seeing told me he wanted to fuck my best friend. When I told him how fucked up that was, he told me that if a guy ever told a girl he never thought about fucking, or wanted to fuck her friends, then he’s a liar. So, truth or bullshit?”
27. When you pee, do you wipe your dicks?
“When you pee, do you wipe your dicks? If so, where? The whole thing or just the tip? Also is there like a little toilet paper roll next to the urinal or is there some special dick toilet paper?”
28. Do you care about a girl’s ‘number’ of previous sex partners?
“Do guys care about the number (low or high) of men the girl has slept with?
Do you guys want to know about a girl’s sexual history or is that better left unsaid? Is it more of turn on for the girl to have a low number of previous sexual partners?”
29. Would it ever be a deal-breaker for you if your SO would not give blowjobs?
“Would it ever be a deal-breaker for you if your SO would not give blowjobs?…
Let me offer a few different situations, because I’m genuinely curious.
S 1: She doesn’t like the idea of it/ it makes her uncomfortable. She respects what makes you uncomfortable and she will do stuff like handjobs for you, and has mentioned that she would possibly give BJs a try.
S 2: She was raped and/or molested and not quite ready to give a blowjob because it was possibly a traumatic and large part of what happened to her.
S 3: She thinks it’s gross, but expects you to do with her whatever she wants you to.
S 4: She is uncomfortable about it, and wouldn’t even consider giving it a try.
I’m crazy curious about how certain people react in certain situations, so it would be really cool if even one of you could provide how you think you would go about things in any of these scenarios.”
30. Do you genuinely like giving oral?
“Oral: you do it because you genuinely like it (the pussy licking/eating) (if yes, what do you like about it) or mostly because it’s like an exchange/reciprocation for a blow job? I’m curious about the ‘motivation.’
Also oral: what is one thing we should NOT do while we do a blow job on you?
Why do guys like butts and anal so much? :D”
31. How do you keep your butts clean when you have all that hair and no natural lubrication?
“How do you keep your butts clean when you have all that hair and no natural lubrication? Seems like it would get dry and sticky stuck in the hair.”
32. Does telling a guy it’s your first time really freak them out?
“Does telling a guy it’s your first time really freak them out? I feel like there are mixed messages about telling a guy because some people say you shouldn’t because he will feel pressure and think it will be “bad sex” but on the other hand how the hell is the girl (or guy) supposed to know what to do to make it good if it’s her/his first time?”
33. Have you ever tried to give yourself blowjobs?
“Have you ever tried to give yourself blowjobs? What does getting a random boner feel like? Is it true that blue balls hurt?”
34. If a woman is really nice to you, do you assume she’s into you?
“If a woman is really nice to you, do you assume she’s into you? I’m trying to be a more social person and i’m scared I give guys the wrong message.”
35. Big feet, big meat—true or not?
“Big feet, big meat—true or not?”
36. What do guys really think when a woman queefs (pussy farts)?
“What do guys really think when a woman queefs (pussy farts)? My husband says it’s nothing but he loves me so he’s paid to say that Lol”
37. Are big areolas a turnoff?
“Late to the party, but how do you feel about areolas? Are big ones a turnoff? Asking for a friend… :/”
38. Is a 20-year-old being a virgin a turnoff?
“I feel like this question isn’t fitting but this seems like a great opportunity to throw it out there.
I’m 19, almost 20 female and am still a virgin – not “saving it” for any reason, I’m just not into hooking up with random people and frankly am picky and therefore have only ever had one partner that I hooked up with regularly, but we never had sex.
Is it a turn off at this point in life that I haven’t had sex? I haven’t avoided it, I just haven’t sought it out either. In all honesty sex and romance in general isn’t a high priority of mine.
TL;DR is a 20-year-old being a virgin a turnoff?”
39. Is it hard not to get feelings in FWB situations?
“FWB situations, is it easier for you guys to maintain or does it get as emotionally messy as it [people generalize it to be] for girls?”
40. How do you feel about body hair on women?
“How do you feel about body hair on women? Would it bother you if you felt stubble? Would you judge if she shaves? If she’s more or less hairy?”