43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

12. I was sexually abused by a gay man for about four years.

“I was sexually abused by a gay man for about four years. he would bribe me/force me to watch him have sex with other men. It took me ages to not gag at the sight of two men together. I’m basically over it now (thanks therapy), but a few months ago I saw two men kissing in a parking lot and almost vomited. it just takes time.”

13. I felt someone get real close to my face and whisper, ‘you just lay there and take it or I am gonna tell everyone that you raped me.’

“It happened multiple times to me. The first time I was 18 and in the USN in San Diego. My friend was dating a Navy girl around our age and wanted a ride to see her. I obliged and took him over to her barracks. She had a roommate who was about a 2/10 and I soon figured it out that I had been lured into a double-date situation.

We sat in their barracks room having some beers and they decided we should go out to the base enlisted club. I politely declined and said I was tired and asked if I could crash in their room until they got back. They were pretty buzzed and didn’t care except for her homely roommate who looked pissed.

I sat around and drank some more beers, watched TV, played Tetris on my new Gameboy and eventually went to sleep around 1am.

I don’t know what time they got in. All I know is that my friend and his GF started having sex in the adjacent bed and her moaning woke me up from drunken stupor. I kind of looked around in the dark and couldn’t see anything. I realized that someone was sucking my dick. I was like, ‘whoa what are doing?’ I felt someone get real close to my face and whisper, ‘you just lay there and take it or I am gonna tell everyone that you raped me.’

This was a huge deal in the Navy at that moment due to several on-base rapes. I was sort of frozen with silence and fear to be honest. She grabbed my junk and stuck it right in her vag and I was sort of paralyzed. It was really dark so no one could see anything and it was creepy.

She then tells me to suck on her tits. I guess I wasn’t doing it right because she starts strangling me. I was afraid to cry out because of her threats of rape accusations. I went into this zone where I was not really there, just going through the motions.

She had a few orgasms and I couldn’t cum no matter what happened. Finally I faked orgasm just to make her stop. She hopped off and began to suck me off. I just withered and said I had to take a piss.

Afterwards she wouldn’t leave me alone. She would visit me at my barracks and blackmail me for more sex for about six months. I was scared shitless to be accused of rape so she had me. I was also afraid to tell anyone for fear of being ostracized by my peers.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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