43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

I know he was trying to do his best. The early 2000’s seems like a millennium ago in bullying standards. I’m not mad at him for his efforts, like I said, he probably had never been put in that situation and didn’t want me to be further embarrassed.

But to the five guys that did it, I don’t really have any thoughts on them at all. They did what they did and probably never think about the extreme humiliation they put me through.

These days, tell. Tell anyone. Tell your teacher immediately. Tell the local fucking news. There should be absolutely no tolerance for anyone being put in that position. Just give up the fact that you’ll be humiliated, because it’s far worse to keep getting treated that way.”

39. I will never get justice.

“I was 8 and placed into foster care by the state. From about the fifth day to my last 6 months later I was abused nightly by a teenage boy. He terrorized me, beating me with a belt if I didn’t fall asleep in 5 minutes or less at night. One night he broke a mirror and threatened to kill me with a large shard.

Regardless of what ever he did I was still raped nightly be it before I fell asleep or waking up to being raped. I tried to tell my foster mother but she grounded me for trying to make her look bad keeping home from school for a week I had to stand in the corner and wait to be told what to do and when to use the bathroom.

After my father got custody I was depressed never told anyone and didn’t make any friends until middle school. I was that goth kid in my teens.

Now I am in my mid 20s figuring stuff out I should have as a teen. Last year I came to the realization I am transgendered—something that was fairly obvious even before foster care.

I’ve known for years I am big but due to the abuse I can never be with a man.

I have terrible hemorrhoids and IBS. If anyone raises their hand like they are going to hit me I instinctively wince and put my hands up.

I devolved a porn addiction as 10yr kid I struggle with to this day.

My biggest kink likely came from the abuse—anal.

I have performance anxiety I fear being beat if I don’t please my partner.

I didn’t tell anyone about the abuse until I was 16 and had been in a relationship for 4 years.

There is a lot I am leaving out part because remembering is to painful and a bigger part my mind has just blacked out. I know I was in foster care for 6 months but my memories all together only equal out to a few weeks at most.

My first 8 years were spent with a schizophrenic alcoholic mother who rarely sent me to school or let me outside the house so that part of my life was lost to.

For me life didn’t truly start until I was around 10 and then that was alone still. I started living at 12 not merely existing.

I will never get justice.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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