43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

36. When I was nine I was sexually assaulted by a male family member.

“When I was nine I was sexually assaulted by a male family member. It was something I didn’t tell anyone about until I was in college and suffering from severe depression. I think the hardest part for me was I have a bit of a manly man thing going. Not something I’m trying to be a douche about but I’ve never had a problem getting girls, I played sports at the collegiate level, I hunt, drink, pretty much enjoy all the things that our society labels as ‘real man stuff.’ It was hard for me to mentally cope with that and also have such a terrible secret. I struggled with feeling like it was my fault for not stopping it from happening. I eventually got to the point where I was suicidal. Luckily, I had some really good friends who helped me through this. I told them what happened and received nothing but love and support. I made the decision to tell my parents and they did the same. I started meeting with a counselor and that really helped to. It’s incredible how much it helps to just talk about it. I didn’t need anyone to make it better I just needed them to listen. I’m about 5 years removed from this and I’m happy to saying I’m a happy, healthy, successful adult. If there’s any guys reading this who are struggling with the same thing please reach out to me. It wasn’t your fault and it doesn’t make you any less of a man.”

37. I was tied to a bed and taken advantage of in my sleep by a woman a few years ago.

“I was tied to a bed and taken advantage of in my sleep by a woman a few years ago. All the counseling in the world won’t change that they don’t care about what happens to men if you’re assaulted by a woman. You should like it, you’re a man.”

38. After gym class for about a week, they all urinated on me in the shower.

“When I was 15, I was assaulted by 5 guys in my grade. After gym class for about a week, they all urinated on me in the shower. All at the same time. All while calling me horrible things.

After that week, I thought it would continue and talked to my Dad for help. He got really angry, which, 16 years later, I can’t fault him for. He wanted to go to the school with a gun and scare the guys doing it to me. I just wanted to know what to do. So he told me to fight the smallest one when they started again. I’d never been in a fight and had little confidence in that plan.

Turns out, my Dad sought out the advice from my Grandpa who was on the school board. My Grandpa drove to the school that day and threatened to kill every kid that ever touched me again.

Boy, did that backfire. My gym teacher got all the guys together and told us he’d heard some complaints about boys teasing other boys. He said it wouldn’t be tolerated and he’d personally expel anyone that ever did it again.
My high school was small, so everyone immediately knew I told in some form on them. It got worse for a couple weeks, I buried it. Then my gym teacher, who knew I was still getting peed on, just started standing outside the shower. Just watching all of us. It worked. No one ever did it again.

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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