43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

34. I was raped dozens of times by my older brother when I was elementary school and middle-school.

“I was raped dozens of times by my older brother when I was elementary school and middle-school age. It happened maybe a couple times a month. I was too young to understand what was happening so I never really fought back. I just kinda let it happen without really knowing what was going on. the hardest part has been carrying the burden of the secret of what he did to me. I have never told anyone because I’m afraid if I confessed to someone that my brother will get thrown in prison which will tear my family apart. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to go through court and sentencing etc. plus the judgement from friends and other relatives. It would absolutely devastate my parents and I love them too much to put them through that. I decided a while ago that this is something I have to carry to my grave.”

35. I try to push her off; she in turn puts all her weight on me and starts grinding as hard as she can.

“Around freshman year of college I met a girl and we really hit it off. We spent the whole semester together and I got adopted into her friend group. I had been new to the school and she was a year older so it was nice to be in such a cool, close group. A couple months went by and I hadn’t made a move on her because I was too damn nervous.

Fast forward to winter break. I gave her a first kiss before we separated for an agonizing 2ish weeks. When I got back to school I couldn’t wait to see her. She wasn’t back yet so I went to a party with her friends. We got drunker and drunker and then I blacked out. I remember asking to crash on a couch somewhere and was told I could sleep in the bed of someone who wasn’t there.
Fast forward a bit more and I start coming to on my back and my crotch is wet and warm. My first semi-blacked out thought is that I pissed myself. I opened my eyes and I see my crush’s good friend squatting over me (keeping her body weight off me), and me inside of her.

I, a virgin to this point, immediately freak out and try to push her off. She in turn puts all her weight on me and starts grinding as hard as she can. I push her off and reach for a trash can to start puking into. When I turned around she was gone.

I ended up falling asleep crying and babbling my crush’s name. My rapist dropped out of school right after that and moved out of the state….I sometimes see a flash of it happening as if I’m wearing VR goggles or I feel like I’m being too dominant.

Everybody says that I’m the happiest person they know, but I can’t keep a healthy dating relationship for longer than 9 months.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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