43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

I feel myself about to cum so I push her off and ejaculate. It’s all over me. I pick up whatever piece of clothing of hers that was closest and wipe it off, and proceed to clothe myself and leave her apartment. She says nothing.

I got on public transportation home while still being unaware of my surroundings and wake up in my bed.

I remember what happened.

The next day, I told my two closest female friends about it and they were super attentive and listening until I mentioned the circumstance, to which they both laughed and one of them said ‘oh! That was the good kind of rape. You’re okay, at least you still got some.’

‘That was the good kind of rape’ is what I was told in response.

My confusion and shame and self-loathing with letting myself reach a point where I was no longer coherent enough to stop something from happening was diminished and written off as ‘it’s okay, you’re a guy. You had sex, so it’s all good.’

I never spoke to my rapist again and the relationship with my friend that took that position deteriorated really quickly. The one that laughed and said nothing realized how fucking insensitive that was and I still talk to her.”

33. She’d climbed on top of me when I was unconscious and had unprotected sex with me.

“I lost my virginity because a girl raped me….

A girl I made out with in the bars hopped into our cab and got out at our stop (I didn’t invite her). Since she was there and I was drunk, I let her in and we made out a little more. When she tried to go further I told her NO and even explained that I was trying to save myself for someone special. She persisted and eventually I got firm with her and told her to just go to sleep. I passed out and the next thing I remember was waking up from what I thought was a wet dream only to find that I was cumming inside her because she’d climbed on top of me when I was unconscious and had unprotected sex with me. I went and had a chlamydia test afterward because I was freaking out, and let me tell you having a Q-tip shoved up my dickhole was not pleasant. It was made even more special by the doctor informing me to ‘wear a condom next time’ because he assumed I was just another dude going out and getting his irresponsible freak on. Then my parents saw the bill for the chlamydia test (despite the nurse saying it was covered by my student insurance and nobody else would know but me, her, and the doctor) and assumed I was just up fuckin’ my way through college. My mother didn’t speak to me for a month and my dad let me know in no uncertain terms he was disappointed. I didn’t know how or what to tell them at the time because I hadn’t processed it myself. And I also got to worry for months about if the girl was pregnant with my child.
All in all, 1/10. I wouldn’t recommend it.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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