43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

17. My ex used the threat of her filing a false rape claim in order to get sex from me, and anyone I reveal this to simply laughs it off.

“No one believes it’s even possible, let alone that male survivors need support. My ex used the threat of her filing a false rape claim in order to get sex from me, and anyone I reveal this to simply laughs it off—because men want sex all the time and can’t be raped, right?”

18. I was drugged and came to in a threesome with a lesbian couple.

“I was drugged and came to in a threesome with a lesbian couple. No, it was not awesome and no I don’t want to joke around about it.”

19. I was molested for a few years by an older brother in a somewhat broken home.

“I was molested for a few years by an older brother in a somewhat broken home from age 10-13. Before I could even ejaculate I was being taken advantage of by him performing oral on me and vice versa. Something for a (young) male victim of molestation or rape that most people may not know is that it often erases memories. Memories, whether good or bad, are often erased from childhood as a means to protect the mind’s sanity. For me, I’m 21, and ever since I was 12, I have so few memories from before age 11 it’s outrageous. It even seems to block some of my memories from after the molestation. I have a great short-term memory, but long-term life memories are nonexistent, or close. Because of this, I have always said my children will never be alone with any man besides my own father who never laid a hand on me.”

20. I woke up with this girl who was interested in me on top of me. She had apparently got me hard by blowing me and she was trying to put me inside of her without a condom.

“I got drunk a party at a friend’s house and passed out on the living room floor. I remember having this graphic dream. I woke up with this girl who was interested in me on top of me. She had apparently got me hard by blowing me and she was trying to put me inside of her without a condom. I was not interested in this girl, not that matters, and I threw her off of me. She got upset and told my friends the next day that I must be gay. I told some of my friends what happened and they didn’t understand why I didn’t have sex with her. It made me feel weird for a long time and she was like ‘I was drunk and horny, what is wrong with you?’ That is when I learned men can be raped and alcohol is never an excuse.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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