43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

Flickr / DaniMU
Found on AskReddit.

1. This man beat me, raped me, and starved me for two years.

“When I was two my mom left my dad and started dating (unbeknownst to her) a sadistic pedophile. This man beat me, raped me, and starved me for two years. I still remember it all very vividly and he also did these things to my mom and is also the father of my (recently deceased) sister. The PTSD I endured (and still struggle with) were hell and I’m lucky to be a functioning adult. However, I still hear jokes every single day about how horrible men are and how men can’t be raped and these comments kill me every single time. People suck regardless of gender and anyone can be raped.”

2. I was raped multiple times as a child and I’ve never had a real friend in my life.

“Just how fully it fucks you up. I was raped multiple times as a child and I’ve never had a real friend in my life. I’m constantly aware of it in a college environment and usually go to bed highly suicidal.

I’m at an age where no one wants to deal with helping someone learn basic social skills, so I feel screwed despite innumerable efforts. I’ve been kicked/iced out of multiple university clubs. There was only one survivor group thing in my hometown and I wasn’t allowed in there either. Something about male presences triggering other victims, which really didn’t do me any good.

I also feel indescribably lonely. I’ve never so much as held hands with a girl and will probably die a virgin through no fault of my own. I envy that people don’t know about this.”

3. I was tied down and treated in a way I would never want to relive again.

“I’m 20 now, but when I was 12 I was raped by my own cousin. I trusted him and loved him like a brother and in an instant I was tied down and treated in a way I would never want to relive again. After that I struggled to find my sexuality all through high school. I never told my mother to this day. Only my closest friends know. Now I know where I am and I have dealt with the experience in my own way. I’m happy and met an amazing woman that who helped me move through it.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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