Nightmare Neighbors: 34 People Share Their Tragic Tales Of Living Next To Morons

5. They shoot guns all day on the weekends.

“Not really a story but their annoying fucking habits.

I live in the middle of no-place and the neighbors who live behind us just shoot guns all day on the weekends. Like constant just Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam. 2-minute pause as they reload then it resumes. For hours straight.

Or they drive back and forth on their four wheeler. Just accelerate slow down accelerate slow down. For hours.

I don’t understand it honestly. I can’t see these people and I’ve never met them but I sure can freaking hear them. At least winter is starting so they’re slowing down.”

6. She was an indoor prostitute and got paid with bottles of vodka.

“Had a neighbor move in next door. The first night we heard her through the wall saying, ‘how am I meant to do that if you won’t take your trousers off; followed later by ‘that’s my arsehole you idiot.’

She was an indoor prostitute and got paid with bottles of vodka. She had lots of enemies and would often wonder around out in the street swinging a golf club around.

I’m pretty sure her 2 sons got abused by their uncle when he was babysitting them. She got kicked out eventually and moved to the next village.”

7. She asked me to tell the courts that her husband raped her.

“When I was twelve my neighbors split up and the ex-wife asked me to tell the courts that her husband raped her. I told her I didn’t know anything and she told me all I’d have to do was make them believe that I’d witnessed it. I told my parents and they dealt with it. Turns out she asked several other kids my age to do the same thing. I haven’t spoken to her face to face since then but she banned her kids from hanging out with me, made complaints about me to my school and dragged my name through the mud on Facebook. If she sees me when she dropping off/picking up her kids from their dads place she give me the finger.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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