Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped

42. She ruined my Thanksgiving.

“She was supposed to come to my brother’s wedding with me and then spend Thanksgiving with my family. A day before we were supposed to leave I called to find out when I should pick her up and she casually informed me that she was going to her friend’s house for Thanksgiving… acting as though we had never even made plans. So that was that.”

43. I walked in to see her fucking some other dude in our bed.

“I was with a girl for just over 5 years. When we met, she was in a bad place. The guy she was with before me used to beat her up and stuff. Really abusive. So it was tough in the beginning because she had major trust issues, self-esteem issues, depression and she self-harmed. But I went and fell in love with her. Helped her get over a lot of the mental anguish she was going through. Took her to (and paid for) her therapist every other week. We lived together for 4 of those years.

On our 5th anniversary, I proposed. I was madly in love with her, and I assumed she was with me. She said yes!

Then, a few months after that, I got off work a bit early, picked up her favorite fish and chips for dinner and headed home.

Long story short, I walked in to see her fucking some other dude in our bed. Both ass-naked, she’s riding the guy like a fucking cowboy. They didn’t even fucking hear me come in to the apartment.

I’ll skip the details, but within 2 days of that happening, she was gone. All her stuff out of the apartment. Half of MY stuff gone from the apartment, including my cash stash that was several thousand. She took my TV. A bunch of my kitchen stuff. She kept the ring. She took my fucking DOG man. Took the damn dog.

And I haven’t seen or spoken to her since. That was just about 3 years ago now.”

44. Told me she wasn’t attracted to me at all.

“Three year very committed, latter year and a half was very long distance.

Her way of finally ending it was to tell me she just wasn’t attracted to me at all, saw me as a brother and had for the past two years plus. That all the super loving, incredibly passionate sex was just some basic pleasure for her and nothing else. Closed her eyes to imagine someone else. Not in those exact words, but mentioned the last bit when I probed about it.

I had already been utterly insecure in that relationship, typical young insecure guy that puts his girl on a pedestal. What tiny bit of self-confidence I had was completely and utterly crushed in that moment. I still remember it vividly two plus years later, sound drowned out and my vision felt like it zoomed way in while everything else completely went out of focus. There’s probably a name for the exact kind of film technique it reminds me of but I don’t know what it is.

A year and a half later I got back in contact and figured out it was way more to do with my personality and how shitty I was at the time, than my appearance. Took everything to heart and have made enormous progress in growing as a person, maturing and building up my confidence. In the end the single best thing that ever happened to help me grow and change as a person.

Something I told her recently, while seeking some final closure. That in the end I appreciated how it had helped me change so drastically and how she’d ended up significantly bettering my life, even though it hurt.

When I asked her what she got out of the THREE YEAR relationship? “It showed me that I really need to learn not to let myself be pressured into a relationship with someone I’m not that interested in, and could never actually love”.

Tore me to shreds for a few days, but showed me just how little she has changed in the end. Still as poisonously superb at causing me intense emotional distress, and does so deliberately. While pretending like I shouldn’t find her responses upsetting. Still a manipulative little girl totally in love with the idea of being an incredibly mature adult.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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