Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped

29. She destroyed my social circles.

“Told me she had been cheating on me and wasn’t going to stop and I had to break it off with her so that everyone would see me as the bad guy. After I got over the shock I did. And she destroyed my social circles.”

30. Left me stranded at an airport.

“Left me stranded at an airport in a place where I knew nobody or nothing.”

31. She blew a guy right in front of me.

“I was 15, convinced I was in love with her, we were hanging out with a friend at my place, watching a movie. I started to play Gameboy because the movie was boring. A few minutes later I see in the corner of my eye my friend throw his head back and gasp a bit. She was kneeling in front of him giving him head. I froze immediately. I felt like I died. I still feel it today. In total denial I just pretended to not see it. She knew I did. I was so devastated all I could do was fall asleep where I was. When I woke they were both gone. Never heard from him again. She acted like nothing happened but didn’t want to see me anymore (I was so in to her that I would’ve – god I hate myself for that).

We never had sex before that and barely fooled around.

I was totally unprepared for that level of betrayal and it has left me completely emotionally crippled, I honestly did not know people did that sort of thing to each other. I’m 33ish now and have never been with anyone.
People always told me I was a sensitive kid. Reading this after having written down for the first time since I know what they mean now. I imagine a lot of guys would’ve just brushed this off and moved on. I can’t though, to this day I am terrified that if I find someone they will do the same thing to me.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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