Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped

24. She blew him in the parking lot before coming in to kiss me goodbye.

“I was late to pick her up and go out on a date, making up from an ongoing argument of being too busy for her. I was going to school full time and working part time to contribute to the lease we signed. She came home about 3 or 4 am drunk. She made out with me and let me know it was over.

She informed me that when I didn’t show up she was offered a ride home by the guy hitting on her and took it. She cheated on me with the guy whose been hitting on her at work offering rides home. They had sex parked in a park, went for drinks, sex at his place and blew him off double parked in front of our place just now.”

25. He posted ‘In a relationship’ with some random girl on Faceboo.

“When he posted ‘In a relationship’ with some random girl on Facebook.”

26. She’s a whorilla.

“You know how apes don’t usually let go of one branch until they have hold of another? Yeh. She does that, but with dicks. She’s a whorilla.”

27. While we were making out.

“Cheated on me with a guy twice my age, and then casually brought it up with me as she and I were making out.”

28. While I was away for a week.

“I was away in San Jose, CA for a week of training for work. My wife takes the opportunity to move all her stuff out. Later tells me thank you for marrying me after her and her lawyer take me to the cleaners. Later on I get unsolicited email updates about her life. Crazy bitch. I’m not interested in you or your life after you fucked me over. Fast forward a year and half later and I’m working my way through a five-year plan accomplishing things I would never have been able to with her in my life. Life is beautiful again after all the pain.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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