Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped

17. She got her sister to tell me over MSN messenger.

“She got her sister to tell me over MSN messenger.”

18. ‘I want my ring back. And my pillow shams.’

“Fiancé (at the time) dumped me in a text message. I believe his exact words were ‘I want my ring back. And my pillow shams.’ He never spoke to me again. I’ve always been curious about his urgent pillow sham needs.”

19. She just pretended to be busy constantly for 3 weeks until I took the hint.

“Long-distance relationship: she just pretended to be busy constantly for 3 weeks until I took the hint.”

20. The day I lost my job.

“I came home and told her I’d lost my job. ‘Oh good,’ she says, ‘now you’re free to move back to Montreal.’”

21. We have a child together, and she ended things via email.

“She sent me an email. We have a child together, and she ended things via email.”

22. Got a text that read ‘over & out.’.

“Got a text that read ‘over & out.’”

23. When I tried hugging him.

“I tried to hug my ex-SO, and he started screaming ‘I don’t wanna have sex with you!’ We were together for 11 months :/”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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