Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped

58. On her wedding night.

“She sent me a message on Facebook. Telling me she couldn’t do it any longer. That she had met someone else and was going to marry him. On her wedding night.”

59. ‘We need to talk, and I’m pregnant.’

“I came to see her at her house and she was sitting on a guy’s lap making out with him. When she saw me at the door she jumped up and said, ‘uh hey, we need to talk, and I’m pregnant’……”

60. I thought he was proposing.

“He took me out for dinner and we had the most wonderful time together. He ordered the most expensive wine there was, and the evening was just absolutely perfect. Eventually, he got down on one knee and I was already crying tears of joy.

He proposed to me and I was like “Oh my God, is this really happening?” To which he hastily replied, “Lol nope. I’m breaking up with you, btw I’m getting full custody of Barker (our beloved cat)” He left the bill with me and I didn’t even have money to pay for the expensive lobster burger and the wine. I ended the devastating evening broken-hearted, catless, and washing the restaurant’s dishes.”

61. Because I stutter.

“Broken up with because I stutter. Happened a long time ago when I was a bit younger but it still messed with me for a couple of years.”

62. Got drunk with her mom and slept with some random guy.

“For me, by far the worst was my first gf.

We were at my parents for Boxing Day lunch and she said that she was going over to see her mum (her parents had recently split and this would be the first Christmas single). I said ok, and she left. I didn’t hear anything from her for a few days and decided to call to see what was up. I found out that she had gone to her mums, then to the pub and was not coming back anytime soon. I had already acquired her birthday presents (her birthday was in January) and suggested that she come and get them as I couldn’t return them. In March the following year she turned up and told me what had occurred. She had gotten drunk with her mum and slept with some random guy. To top this off, she had told all her family that I beat her to justify her ‘escape route.’ They still to this day believe that I did it.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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