Brutal Breakups: 63 People Reveal The Heartbreakingly Cold Ways They Were Dumped

49. So, I think I want to break up.

“It was the day after my birthday. We were on a 5 hour drive back home after a little weekend getaway to celebrate. About 25-30 minutes from the house, were listening to music, reminiscing about the weekend in my head…and she speaks up and says: “So, I think I want to break up.”

The next 30 minutes were filled with dramatic confessions and me calling her some evil things. Got home, instantly didn’t care, downloaded Tinder, smashed out 2 new ones within 48 hours. (yay for college towns).”

50. Said God told her to break up with me.

“Said God told her to break up with me. She was super religious, cute, socially awkward and crazy. She broke up with me right after I moved away for college and away from my family for the first time. So I was 320 miles away from my family living on my own for the first time and the girl who I could’ve loved broke up with me via FaceTime. She was the first girl I had felt a real connection to in 4 years. Almost made me quit school and move home.”

51. Changed his FB status to in a relationship with someone else.

“On my 30th birthday, while we were long distance, by changing his FB status to being in a relationship with someone else. No conversation or warning. Just logged on to check my FB birthday messages and saw that.”

52. Over text.

“Over text. While I was sitting in her apartment just hanging out. I flew down to see her two days before. My plane back was a week later.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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