53 Real Stories Of People Being ‘Accidentally Sexy’ When They Weren’t Even Trying

Illustration by Daniella Urdinlaiz / lookcatalog
Illustration by Daniella Urdinlaiz / lookcatalog
Found on AskReddit.

1. She did this nose wiggle and pushed her glasses up.

“Talking to girl, she did this nose wiggle and pushed her glasses up. My. Oh. My.”

2. She sticks out her tongue when she concentrates.

“The person I tutor sticks her tongue out when she concentrates. Her tongue is super long and sometimes touches her nose. She also turns it sideways and bites down on it as a sign that she’s joking.”

3. He unbuttoned ONE button from his shirt and I could see his chest hair.

“A friend of mine was too warm so he unbuttoned ONE button from his shirt and I could see his chest hair and it was fucking unacceptably hot.”

4. A cute guy sat down next to me on the train recently and started reading a book.

“Guys really intently reading books. A cute guy sat down next to me on the train recently and started reading a book, so I started having a reaaaaally hard time concentrating on my own book.”

5. He fell asleep on my shoulder.

“Mmkay. So I was riding in a train with my male best friend. I was sleepy and fell asleep it was like 3 am. When I wake up, he fell asleep on my shoulder. I am a short girl so seeing him slumped over like that just flipped a switch in my head. I fell in love with him then and there and he doesn’t know.”

6. She hiked up her skirt and took a piss in the park.

“I once saw a very attractive girl, thinking she was unobserved, hike up her skirt and take a piss in a park. Hot as fuck. Rock hard.”

7. Random chick grabs a chip, dips it, and feeds it to me.

“Chilling at a party some hours in, and a group of us are at the dining room table just munching on junk food and talking. A chick, no idea who it was, just grabs a chip, dips it, then feeds it to me. She took me completely by surprise, I had no idea how to respond. The most unintentional sexy thing ever done to me. I loved it.”

8. While reaching for something, he pretty much had me leaning over a table with him behind me.

“A really tall coworker was reaching for something in front of me, and pretty much had me leaning over a table with him behind me. Insta-lady boner.”

9. She would put the end of the shrimp in her mouth and just suck the shrimp out of the shell.

“I was in Korea, eating dinner with a couple of friends and some dates. It was one of those places where you throw all of the seafood down on a big huge steel plate, and cook as you eat right in front of you – like a Korean teppan-yaki, but you do it yourself. (very good, BTW) – and my date starts eating shrimp. She would pick the head off, and then just put the end of the shrimp in her mouth and sort of ‘suck the shrimp out of the shell’— it hypnotically sexy. We just kept ordering more and more shrimp after that… the girls were like “wow, you guys really like shrimp!’ – HELL YES WE DO.”

10. Waitress spilled water on my lap and dabbed my shorts with a towel for a good 30 seconds.

“Waitress spilled water on my lap and dabbed my shorts with a towel for a good 30 seconds. She got a good tip that night.”

11. This girl casually walks by, stops, and sucks the blood from the cut on my finger.

“I cut my finger on a beer bottle at a party. This girl casually walks by, stops, and sucks the end of my finger. Without saying anything, walks away. That happened 25 years ago and I still think about her all the time.

12. Every time she spoke in her British accent, I melted.

“I’m a sucker for accents. Had a British girl come into my work for a few days in a row and every time she spoke I melted. I swear, if she had told me to go with her on a killing spree, I’d have gone.”

13. A Mormon woman in a ‘sexy witch’ costume.

“About 12 years ago I lived in Utah. A good friend was a rather plain looking, very religious very repressed Mormon housewife. She came to a Halloween carnival at my kids school dressed as a witch. It wasn’t intended to be a ‘sexy witch’ costume but it was low cut. That in conjunction with the dramatic witch make up made her hot as hell! It was very jarring to see someone I had never given a second thought dressed that way. I wanted her so bad! I played it cool and tried to not let it show but, never saw her the same again.”

14. A 5’4’-90lb blonde getting sweaty while chopping wood.

“An old high school friend had a little sister who loved chopping wood (lumber, not boners). I went over to his house to help set up for a party and his sister was out splitting logs (again, the lumber, not boners). I don’t know if it was the fact she was a 5’4’-90lb blonde splitting wood (the lumber, not boners) in one strike or just her getting sweaty but I’ve never been so hard (Now it’s a boner, NOT lumber) before.”

15. With this fucking smirk on his face he told me, ‘Good girl.’

“Was at work, and I had this coworker who was pretty hot but I had a boyfriend at the time so I never pursued him. I was going to take out the trash and with this fucking smirk on his face he told me, ‘Good girl.’ Sploosh. Right in the submissive fetish.”

16. A guy with some great abs held onto the edge of the pool to lift himself out.

“Was at a pool party and a guy with some great abs held onto the edge of the pool to lift himself out. The water ran down his chiseled arms when he came out of the pool. And that’s how I found out I’m bisexual.”

17. A girl at work told me to kneel down and tie her shoe.

“A girl at work told me to kneel down and tie her shoe. I’m 6’4″ and she’s 5’7″. I couldn’t stand up immediately afterwards.”

18. She would come over smelling like donuts every day.

“In high school I had female friend that was home schooled and worked at a donut shop. My parents both worked the night shift so I basically had the house to myself after school. She would come over smelling like donuts every day.”

19. When my wife was wearing only a blazer and panties.

“My wife knew she was wearing a blazer the next day for a meeting, but couldn’t decide what skirt. So she was going back and forth to the closet for different skirts to see in the mirror, but the whole time only wearing the blazer and panties. Sexiest combination ever.”

20. He started speaking Italian on the phone.

“Italian exchange student at my school. He started speaking Italian on the phone to a friend who had called, and I absolutely melted. Anyone who can casually fluently speak two languages automatically turns me on a little and I have no idea why.”

21. Every minute or so he’d ever so slightly just twitch his fingers in a tiny caress of my knee.

“My coworker laid his head on my lap on a long car trip home from the beach. Every minute or so he’d ever so slightly just twitch his fingers in a tiny caress of my knee. Oh my god.”

22. She agreed to help me wash the car.

“Was just starting to see a girl and for some reason she agreed to help me wash my car. She was bent over vacuuming the seats and it was all I could do to keep my mind on the job at hand. Pretty sure we skipped the wax.”

23. There was something about the way she was yelling and the look on her face that made me want to take her right then and there.

“I have a coworker whom I usually spend breaks with smoking. We were outside last week and she was ranting about some stupid shit that went down over in her side of the office. (We work in different departments.) Anyhow she ended up getting pretty upset and while a sexual thought has never crossed my mind involving her before there was something about the way she was yelling and the look on her face that for some reason made me want to take her right then and there. Can’t explain it and haven’t had a similar thought since. I couldn’t even look at her I just stammered ‘I have to go.’ And went back inside.”

24. My breasts heaved at the sight of him playing piano.

“When I was an undergraduate student, I sang in the school’s vocal ensembles. One was a chamber choir, the other a show choir. I had an outlandish, shameless crush on one of the guys. He was also a pianist and composer, and a little older than me.

We hung out a lot but I was plump and he liked very thin girls, so he wasn’t interested in me. I genuinely liked him as a person so I settled for being friends and tried to quash my crush.

One day, he invited himself over to my house after school. We had an upright piano in our living room at the time, and as soon as he walked in, he made a beeline for it.

I stood beside him and watched him play for about 20 minutes. I was mostly looking at his hands but was somehow also keenly aware of his stubbly jawline at the same time. I was completely enraptured.

I was wearing jeans and a V-neck t-shirt. Being quite busty, it was a slightly immodest look, but it was one that everyone who knew me had seen many times.

After about 20 minutes of this fuckin’ musical Adonis serenading me, my mother walked out of her bedroom. I was standing with my hand on the bannister, completely light-headed with arousal.

My mother’s eyes dropped straight to my bare chest, which was flushed and heaving. She promptly burst into laughter, suggested that he play more quietly and went back into her room.”

25. I told him that someone in my family recently died. ‘…oh, I’m so sorry.’ he said softly, placing a hand on my knee.

“I am insanely turned on by my college lecturer. I don’t think he’s what most 22yr old girls would consider attractive: 5’0” tall, late 40s, stocky, white hair. But damn, he presses all the right buttons for me in a way no-one else ever has. He just needs to look at me and I feel paralyzed.

Anyway, I was dealing with some personal issues and it was effecting my work, so I asked if I could talk to him after class (that prospect alone made me feel nervous). At 4, everyone left, and it was just me and him. I told him that someone in my family recently died. ‘…oh, I’m so sorry.’ he said softly, placing a hand on my knee. His beautiful warm brown eyes filled with concern.

Holy motherfucking shit. I think my ovaries exploded. He started talking to me about how his father died when he was young…while it was taking all of my will power keep looking normal, trying to regulate my breathing and feeling blood rush to my face. I think he thought I had a minor panic attack and looked at me funny. I quickly thanked him and excused myself as quick as I could.

I think about that moment a lot. I’m such a thirsty bitch holy shit.”

26. My friend’s sister jokingly told me ‘if you don’t stop being naughty I’m going to have to whip you.’

“My friend’s sister jokingly told me ‘if you don’t stop being naughty I’m going to have to whip you.’

I didn’t know someone I wasn’t infatuated with could make me blush for a fetish I don’t even like!”

27. He gave me an absolute verbal smackdown.

“Gave me an absolute verbal smackdown.

This was a bloke I knew in college (16-18), and it was a longstanding pillar of our interaction to bicker and take the piss. I’d been ribbing him about one thing or another, making the others around us laugh, when he causally laid out a quip that utterly blew any of my insults out of the water.

It was just the way he did it—this sort of lazy flick of sarcasm and wit—that had me both laughing in appreciation, and inwardly screaming take me now.

28. A cute girl actually smiled at me while walking past me today.

“A cute girl actually smiled at me while walking past me today. Rode off of that high for the rest of the day!”

29. He was briefly describing to me the mechanics of engines.

“My friend was dropping me off at my place. He was briefly describing to me the mechanics of engines in the driveway. When he got to the functioning of pistons I about lost it.”

30. She whispered to me in Swedish.

“Final year of uni, doing a group project presentation. One of our group members was this really cool, pretty Swedish exchange students. We were sitting on the sidelines as one of our other group members was presenting. She leans over and starts whispering Swedish things in my ear. Holy shit. I turn to look at her and she blushes and giggled and apologized saying she got the wrong language (we had a lot of Swedish students in the course so they spoke it often among themselves). She then repeats herself in English, but I wasn’t listening because I was too focused on the fact that I was about to stand up in front of a panel of industry professionals with a semi.”

31. She correctly identified my bayonet and the era it came from.

“The first time my gf came over to my apartment, she picked up one of my bayonets I had sitting next to my desk. She correctly identified it and the era it came from. Then she asked to see the rest of my collection. May seem weird, but that was insanely hot to me.”

32. She grabbed my crotch to prove I had an accidental boner.

“I was hanging out with a group of friends at the county fair one day a couple summers back and I had accidentally got an awkward boner. Unfortunately, it was quite obvious. One of the girls I was hanging out with confronted me of my problem and I tried denying this allegations. She then grabbed my crotch to prove me wrong. I’m not sure if she was trying to turn me on by this, but it totally worked. The awkward boner did not go away.”

33. He had the deepest, chocolatiest voice I had ever heard.

“I was on Spring Break a few years ago staying in this hostel with groups of travelers from all over the world, and one night as a group of us were sitting on the patio drinking and chatting about stuff this hot dude from I think….Australia, maybe?—laughed at something his friend said and I realized he had the deepest, chocolatiest voice I had ever heard. BAM! Right to the clit.”

34. She started hopping around to wiggle off her sweatshirt.

“When I was in the 8th grade, I was getting ready to race my then- crush (who had a very nice rack), her twin sister (flat), and her friend at the park after our science project when my crush decided to take off her sweatshirt. While pulling it off, her shirt rode up and got stuck while taking off the sweatshirt. She started hopping around to wiggle it off which gave me an quite an eyeful and was a little too mesmerizing. Guess I stared too much since I got a warning slap from her twin but my crush didn’t seem to mind.”

35. Her natural Texan accent.

“Revert back to her natural Texan accent. swoon.

36. The cashier at Taco Bell touched my hand giving me back change.

“The cashier at Taco Bell touched my hand giving me back change.”

37. He cut his naturally curly hair short, and with the glasses, he looks like Clark Kent.

“My husband’s glasses. We have both worn contacts for most of our lives, and when we’ve bought glasses, it’s always been the cheapest pair, since we don’t wear them often enough to care (plus, you know, poor.) We finally bought ourselves new glasses, and I swear my husband has never been sexier. He cut his naturally curly hair short, and with the glasses, he looks like Clark Kent. I’m totally diggin’ the look!”

38. I turned around and BAM, there he was, mock-acting girlish and running around in a cute skirt.

“There was a skit in a talent show I participated in for my old school where the guys in student government came out in our uniform skirts, complaining about the strict dress code. It was hilarious, but the part that made me swoon was when my then crush (NOT a part of student gov) decided to try one of them on for funsies. I turned around and BAM, there he was, mock-acting girlish and running around in a cute skirt. Swear I felt my knees wobble and heart skip a beat. From then on I always go nuts when guys put on dresses.”

39. A girl in 6th grade mouthed the words ‘I want a fig newton’ to me.

“A girl in 6th grade mouthed the words ‘I want a fig newton’ to me. I had to sit down all day.”

40. She stopped dead in front of this guy’s car and fucking spit on the hood.

“I was walking to lunch from my office and this incredibly beautiful woman, classy as hell, in a really nice, tastefully short and airy dress was jaywalking across the street.

A car turns right from the intersection and has to stop while she crossed and the guy decided to honk at her.

She stopped dead in front of this guy’s car and fucking spit on the hood.

Seeing a beautiful, classy woman get so aggressive and disgusting really did it for me.”

41. A massage therapist gave me an orgasm by pressing on my back.

“I had a sore back so I went to see a massage therapist. Yes, a legitimate, licensed therapist. She got to work on my back. But every time she pressed on my back, it made my whole body shift on the table. This indirectly stimulated my penis.

So I started to get an erection. But I ignored it because she was clearly a professional. Draping was in full effect. But then she found the knot in my back, and started digging into it. The long, slow strokes on my whole back became short, sharp motions in that one spot in my back.

Well that erection I had been ignoring was doing just fine, thank you very much. But now it couldn’t be ignored because it was getting a whole lot more stimulation from this increased frequency of motion on my back. I realized that if nothing changed, I would soon be heading to orgasm.

I scrambled to collect the words to calmly express to this stranger that she was inadvertently causing me to head rapidly towards an unsolicited orgasm and she might want to do something differently. But this was a new situation for me and the words to express this complex thought were not easy to find (while my penis was getting harder by the second).

So before I could utter any kind of warning, I had an orgasm on her table, under her hands.

It wasn’t as hot as it might sound, because I knew this was not her intention at all. I felt guilty about it. If she had done anything to indicate she was even aware of what was going on, that would have been different.”

42. We were sandwiched together and she said, ‘Nice weather we’re having.’

“I was at a neighborhood concert one time and this girl was making her way up to the front while the masses of people were pushing and kicking each other. This very cute girl stopped to talk to me to see what’s up and at that moment, everyone decided to sandwich together, so my body was pressed against her tightly (she was directly in front of me, facing me) and she was pretty humorous too because while we were literally face to face she said ‘Nice weather we’re having.’

Never saw her again but I still think about her.”

43. She had grey hair and green eyes. I was struck by lightning

“I used to work at this absolute dogshit place called Dollar Tree. If you work at a Dollar Tree, my condolences. Basically, it’s a Walmart for the cheapest shit money can buy. Everything costs a dollar plus tax, so most shit costs like a dollar and a half. Anyway, I worked at the front, cashiering people. Most of the people who came through my line were decidedly unattractive (cigarette smell and meth mouth don’t go together). One day, a few days before Easter, I had my head down cashing people out when there was this…smell. I don’t quite know how to describe it, but it was pleasant with a sting. When I looked up this girl was standing in line. I must have cashed her out because I don’t remember anything about what she looked like, except that she was around my age (twenties), had grey hair and green eyes. It was like I was unconscious for just a moment and then she was gone. I don’t remember her paying (which she must have), or even what her voice sounded like.

If you have grey patches in your twenties, you either have some odd genetics or a really crappy childhood. I have patches in my hair that have gone white from stress, and the way her hair was (lots of gray hair near the top, blondish toward the sides) said stress.

No idea what she looked like. Never saw her again. But just for a moment, I was struck by lightning.”

44. She was very careful while fixing my wound.

“The other day I fell off a long board and fucked up my knees. My friend’s girlfriend started fixing the wound. I completely respect my friend and would never try to get in between him and his girlfriend. But DAMN something about her guiding me through the process of fixing the wound, and her being very careful with the wound was incredibly sexy. I can’t stop thinking about it.”

45. Pulled up her yoga pants and they were sheer enough to see her thong.

“Pulled up her yoga pants and they were sheer enough to see her thong.”

46. I went over a bump in the road and saw her boobs bounce from the impact.

“I was driving with a girl I’ve known since high school (both in our early 30s ). Talking while driving, I happened to look over as I went over a bump in the road and saw her boobs bounce from the impact. Instant chub, thank God for loose-fitting pants.”

47. Watching a well-curved Montana girl using a chainsaw.

“Watching a well-curved Montana girl coworker expertly toss around a Stihl chainsaw bucking logs, when her shirt pulled out of her jeans, and the top of her thong peeked out dividing two amazing curves…wow. Still (Stihl?) a hot memory, years later.”

48. When she talks to me about anything science.

“When she talks to me about anything science. How she’s putting a protocol together or outlining how her cell cultures are handled. Detailing small pathways that now one else will ever tell me about. I love her and I love this.”

49. He was standing close to me and just whispering to me in German and holy shit.

“My manager and I are pretty good friends, but we have a very flirty relationship. I’ve had two different coworkers ask if I was talking about him when I’ve mentioned going out with somebody. We were working together one day and he was standing close to me and just whispering to me in German and holy shit. It was the one and only time I’ve considered actually doing anything with him.”

50. Anytime my SO works on a car, it turns me on like crazy.

“Anytime my SO works on a car, it turns me on like crazy. He’s insanely focused and starts sweating and has to take his shirt off.. umph”

51. Black/brown chicks with English accents.

“Black/brown chicks with English accents. Have no idea where it came from but I went to a work conference and attended a presentation by an English woman who was black and I could not pay attention to anything else.”

52. A bunch of dirt bikers immediately cut their engines when they saw me.

“You guys are going to think this is awfully weird … but I was riding a horse and I came across a bunch of dirt bikers who immediately cut their engines when they saw me. I just thought what a classy bunch of guys. Just to explain – I was overwhelmed with a sudden crush for all of them.”

52. He was coding, and OMG instant sploosh.

“My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, so often we’ll just hang out in voice on Discord with nothing to talk about. Kind of like we’re hanging out on the sofa together, but 1500 miles apart. One day he started talking to himself about this project he was coding, and omg instant sploosh. Ever since then I have to remind myself not to sexually objectify him when he’s programming.”

53. She started touching me while naming each bone.

“I’m disturbingly thin. Met a girl in med school who was amazed she could see so much of my skeletal structure and started touching me while naming each bone. She touched me while displaying her intelligence!”
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Lorenzo Jensen III

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