50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

15. When I was homesick and he told all my friends to contact me.

“Work had shipped me from my home in Canada to the UK for 3 months and for the first time in my life I was actually homesick. My then boyfriend who didn’t really know my friends well yet dropped them a line letting them know I’d really love to hear from them, but don’t tell me he’d asked them to do it. He’s an introvert too, so very out of character for him to approach people like that.

I didn’t find out he’d done this until we’d gotten engaged and my friends were glad I’d finally realized he was the one for me because they all knew back when he asked them to help with my homesickness. We’ve been married 14 years now.”

16. When he rescued my friend from an abusive situation.

“I went on a cruise, and when I came home, one of my closest friends from high school was living in my spare bedroom unbeknownst to me. Several months before, she had invited me to a Halloween party that she was throwing with the guy she was living with, three hours away. So I invited this guy who I had just started dating. Several months later, she got his number from a mutual friend and called in a panic saying she needed to move out of her place before her boyfriend came home. And without flinching, he left work and drove to her place, helped her pack quickly and brought her back to my apartment. He had only met her that one time before, but he knew that he had to save my friend from an abusive situation. And he knew that I would have never turned her away. I knew I was going to marry him that day. Thank you for reminding me of this story and how I need to tell it to my son so he knows what type of man his dad was before he passed away.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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