50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

11. When he treated me respectfully after I accidentally threw up on his dick.

“A few weeks into our relationship (my first relationship) I was making my first ever attempt to vigorously deep-throat my now-fiancé. I got really into it but overreached my body’s limits and, you guessed it, vomited all over his erection and lap.

That sweet, dear man laughed once in surprise, then immediately reassured me that everything was fine, briefly disappeared into the bathroom to clean up, then came back to hug me tightly and tell me how wonderful I was and how good it had felt (up until the moment) and how he was grateful for and respected how much enthusiasm I had.

He got me feeling safe and respected and laughing with him about the scenario instead of feeling mortified, and I fucked that man to kingdom cum that night and many nights since.”

12. When he accepted my bipolar disorder because he said it made life interesting.

“When I met my husband I’d had a terrible marriage with a man who was well aware of my bipolar disorder but spent 10 years berating me for not being normal or always wanting me to be like everyone else. We’d been dating a year when we were talking and I asked about how he felt about my bipolar and he told me that he didn’t mind it at all because he never knew which Tammage he was going to be dealing with and it kept life interesting.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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