50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

49. When he waited for me to finish chewing before I answered his question.

“On our first date my husband and I had sushi. I’d JUST put a piece in my mouth and he asked a question. Rather than me having to awkwardly chew as fast as possible, he didn’t skip a beat from the end of his question and continued on, ‘naturally I’ll wait until your mouth is completely full to ask a question, I find that it enhances the experience of…’ blah blah blah something witty. He blathered on without staring at me while I chewed until I was ready to answer.

It was funny and quick and mindful. I just thought, ‘Finally! A guy who is witty and notices things like this!’ I know it’s not something huge but I’ll never forget it.”

50. When we got along during a twelve-hour car ride.

“I think for me, it was the first time we really traveled together. We drove from my home city and where he’d lived for about 7 years, to his home city of Seattle. It’s a 12-hour drive. It rained the entire way. Sometimes, I just like to stare out the window at the scenery. It fascinates me. Not one time did he ask me if I was mad or upset or ‘what’s wrong?’ like my stupid ex boyfriend used to. My ex would always assume I was mad because I didn’t talk in the car.

New BF just accepted that I wanted to watch the world go by.

Being in a car with someone for 12 hours one way 6 months into your relationship can be hard. But when it’s comfortable and there’s no place you’d rather be, that’s when you know that you found the one :)”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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