50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

47. When he stuck with me during a cancer scare.

“Mine was about 4 months into dating I had a pretty bad cancer scare, has to have surgery. Now we were both mid 20s no children at the moment, looking for a spousal relationship and wanted children.

This scare had the high potential to leave me barren and sterile. Something I knew he would be thinking about as children were in his foreseeable future and he wanted them. This could be a deal breaker and I wouldn’t blame him. Only 4 months into a relationship.

We went out to eat, and I started crying from stress (hell I’m scared I’m gonna die) he puts his arms around me, kisses me and tells me no matter what he loves me, I’m his one and only and other small lovely things. This was our first exchange of I love yous. 4 years later married for 1 year and planning to start trying next year ☺☺☺ also I had surgery and turned out to not have cancer.”

48. When he kept me warm during a camping trip.

“Early on in our relationship I went camping with him. I woke up to pee in the early morning hours, the sun wasn’t quite up and it was so cold. I came back to the tent and got in the sleeping bag and started to shiver. He was sleeping but woke just enough to blow warm air on the back of my neck and to put his warm feet on my cold ones. We have been married 21 years, he still does this from time to time.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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