50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

20. When he cried as hard as I did about my cat who I had 14 years died.

“When he cried as hard as I did about my cat who I had 14 years died. He only lived with her about two and a half years. She had a little mailbox on her cat tree and one day I found letters he wrote to her telling her he missed her and they had been written over time and they started off really depressing and then got more and more positive saying things like ‘Today I missed you but I was happy thinking I had you in my life.’ He also helped my set up her grave in my parents’ woods and bought a chime to go by it, and occasionally brings her flowers.”

21. When he picked me up, carried me to bed, and kept me calm after I found out my father had died.

“Picture this, a casual night in with a few cocktails and enjoying each other’s company. I make a trip to the bathroom and while peeing I check my phone, the usual Reddit, Facebook.

Oh I missed a phone call from my sister. Well it’s late in the evening and I’m a few drinks in, better call her back tomorrow.

Then I read a text from a not so frequent sender.

Auntie Diane: ‘Hey, could you please collect pictures of Pa?’


In a panic, still on the toilet, I call my sister back. She confirms that my Pa has passed.

I make it back to where my boyfriend is and keep it mind he last saw me, going to the bathroom upstairs, happy-go-lucky and enjoying the night. I return as a mess unexplained.

In sobs I explain the news and just fall to the ground.

Without hesitation, he picks me up and carries me to the bed and literally holds me all night and just listens to be babble in sobs. Trying to keep me calm until we eventually fell asleep.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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