What Makes Someone A ‘Keeper’? 33 People Share The Little ‘Green Flags’ That Let You Know

30. When they keep a list of your favorite things.

“When I met my fiancé he handed me his phone while driving and asked me to pull up his notes app and jot down a quick list of things we needed for a weekend trip. There was a note already open…it was a list of things about me such as my favorite flower and favorite color, my siblings names…I thought it was just about the sweetest thing and as a forgetful person I thought it was a really great idea. We have been together 3 years now and are trying for a baby. He’s the best.”


31. When they literally fight for you.

“She fought for me. Like literally. A guy had cut in front of me at the theatres, and she immediately got up in his grill. swooon.


32. When they claim your fart so you don’t get embarrassed in front of their friends.

“My husband (then boyfriend of 2 months) claimed my fart so I wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of his friends. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.”


33. When they quit their job to take care of you.

“A few months into dating my wife, I had to get surgery and spent some time in the hospital. My wife-then-girlfriend happened to lose her job so she spent the week in the hospital with me, then day and night when I was immobile at home. I thought that was pretty amazing itself until a couple years later when she finally told me that she had actually quit her job to take care of me.”

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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