What Makes Someone A ‘Keeper’? 33 People Share The Little ‘Green Flags’ That Let You Know

22. When you can have as much fun without sex as you do when having sex.

“When you can have as much fun without sex as you do when having sex. When sex is simply a product of your happy relationship and not a focal point or core piece of it. When you can laugh in the middle of sex and then continue having it. These things are super green flags.”


23. When they comfort your sick child.

“For me it was when my then boyfriend was staying over and my young son got sick in the middle of the night. He vomited in his bed and was crying. My bf beat me to his room, comforted him, and then helped him get cleaned up. He tucked him back in to a clean bed and sat vigil so I could get some rest. We’ve been married almost 17 years and have a son of our own….which he has never treated differently than my 2 boys. That moment is when I knew he was it for me.”


24. When they treat everyone with dignity and basic respect.

“Best buddy had an aneurysm 2 years before I met my wife. Has had to relearn basic fun motor movements. The weekend I met my wife, she engaged my best bud in conversation and asked him his story rather than be weirded out or think he was drunk (no joke 80 percent of people do that to him). She looked right in his eyes and talked to him for 20 minutes as he shook and had trouble getting his words out. Meant so much to me. She doesn’t even remember doing that which is funny now. But she lives up to that billing. Treats everyone with integrity and genuine respect & care. Won the freaking lotto with her.”


25. When they offer to cut a bitch for you.

“When we first met, I was getting harassing phone calls and zillions of texts from an ex. I tried to keep it from my new GF bec it was embarrassing and I didn’t want to deal. Finally, when it was impossible to ignore, my quiet, super-smart, introverted GF looked me in the eyes and said, ‘Am I gonna have to cut a bitch?’ Honestly that’s when I knew…”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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