47 Heartbreakingly Profound And Beautiful Things People Learned After A Tough Breakup

34. You can’t have a healthy relationship if you don’t love yourself.

“You can’t have a healthy relationship if you don’t love yourself.”

35. Don’t EVER settle as someone’s second choice/backup plan.

“Don’t EVER settle as someone’s second choice/backup plan. If you aren’t a priority now, you never will be. Also, a relationship that’s ‘a secret’ isn’t a healthy relationship.”

36. You can’t control how they react.

“You’re not responsible for, nor can you control what they do or how they react. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you try to end it on good terms it just won’t happen.”

37. Trust your gut.

“If you have a gut feeling something else is going on, it probably is.”

38. If you want out of the situation, get out.

“If you want out of the situation, get out. Don’t wait for a better reason or for someone else to come along. Get out.”

39. Breakups can be mutual and for the benefit of both people.

“Probably an unpopular opinion here: Breakups can be mutual and for the benefit of both people. You can still be friends but it’s never like it used to be. And that’s OK.”

40. If it feels like something is up, something probably is..

“Always trust your gut. If it feels like something is up, something probably is.”

41. I learned that I like being alone.

“I learned that I like being alone. Relationships are tiresome and just drain me of energy. I don’t need that in my life.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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