47 Heartbreakingly Profound And Beautiful Things People Learned After A Tough Breakup

6. It takes two to be in a relationship, but only one to end it.

“It takes two to be in a relationship, but only one to end it. Once it’s over, it’s over.”

7. It’s not your job to fix someone.

“It’s not your job to fix someone.”

8. Nobody cares about you as much as you care about yourself.

“Nobody cares about you as much as you care about yourself. This got me through some dark times. We’re all responsible for our own well-being.”

9. Somebody will love you again.

“Somebody will love you again. Just as much or more. You need to try to realize that.”

10. I do not have to be in a relationship to be happy.

“That I do not have to be in a relationship to be happy.”

11. No one is ever ‘The One.’

“They aren’t and never were, the one. The One is a stupid concept created by idiotic movies to make people think that love is this magical all-consuming thing, that once found is easy and amazing. Simply put, no. Even the best relationships require work, and usually they are the best because both parties want to work towards creating something great, not just for them individually, but for them as a team.”

12. Don’t rely on others for your own happiness.

“Don’t rely on others for your own happiness. It puts a lot of stress on relationships and isn’t healthy.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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