47 Heartbreakingly Profound And Beautiful Things People Learned After A Tough Breakup

Flickr / Elizabeth Ashley Jerman
Flickr / Elizabeth Ashley Jerman
Found on AskReddit.

1. Never love someone so much you lose yourself in them.

“Never love someone so much you lose yourself in them. You’ll wake up one day short one soul.”

2. “There is a possibility that you are the problem.

“There is a possibility that you are the problem.”

3. Break up before you hate each other.

“Break up before you hate each other.”

4. Don’t build the rest of the bridge if they won’t meet you halfway.

“Don’t build the rest of the bridge if they won’t meet you halfway. If they aren’t as committed to it as you are, GTFO and find someone who will be.”

5. You can’t love someone enough into loving you back.

“You can’t love someone enough into loving you back.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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