‘Nice Guys’ From Hell: 49 Women Share Nightmare Stories From The Friend Zone
“Usually, when a guy says, 'I'm a nice guy,' that's code for ‘I’m not a nice guy.’”

1. He was pissed that I wasn’t dating him so he told everyone I had AIDS.
“I went to a pretty small college in northern Colorado. My freshman year I befriended a nice guy named R. R ended up pledging with a fraternity. I went on a couple of dates with a guy from R’s frat I thought things were going well then the guy I dated just stopped responding to me. A bunch of other people involved in the Greek community and lots of people in my dorm started giving me funny looks or conversations would end as soon as I came in the room. Apparently he was pissed that I wasn’t dating him so he told everyone I had AIDS. I ended up transferring schools because of that guy.”
2. He broke in my house to steal my medication and left a note saying that he hoped being off it made me kill myself.
“Was friends with a guy for years, and then he asked me out while I was in a relationship. It wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t reacted to me saying no by going on a tirade about how ungrateful I was because he’d been my friend for so long, and he’d been so nice to me, and no one else would have stuck around when I’d been so crazy.
He finished up by breaking in a few days later to steal my medication and left a note saying that he hoped being off it made me kill myself.”
3. Three years later he still shows up to my places of work.
“Dude I dated for while always complained when we first started going out about how girls always screwed him over, nice guys finished last etc. etc. He told me his stories and I felt so sorry for him. After a few months together he turned out to be the most possessive irrational person I’ve ever encountered. I couldn’t hang out with my friends, not even girlfriends, he even flipped on me for hanging out with my BROTHER and giving him a hug. Wtf?? I finally dumped him when I got my first teeny tiny tattoo and he slut shamed me for a few days straight. He told me how if I chose to be a pierced and tatted person (I had plugs and nose piercings when he met me) that I was choosing a promiscuous life and he finds that to be the most unattractive thing in the world. Yeah okay buddy, buh bye. Three years later he still shows up to my places of work. He showed up at my current job two days after I started working there…”