39 Things Women Will Just NEVER Understand About Being A Man

22. Men have to prove themselves every day to someone

“Men can get angry but cannot pinpoint the reason. To me, men have to prove themselves every day to someone. This gets tedious. Men do not deal with emotional pain very well and keep it internalized. After years of this behavior men can become very angry. I need a hug.”

23. We can be thinking nothing at all, or just some of the stupidest shit ever

“The fact that we can be thinking nothing at all, or just some of the stupidest shit ever. Like if a chimp would beat a kangaroo in a fight.”

24. We can live our entire adult lives without receiving a single compliment from anybody

“That for most of us, we can live our entire adult lives without receiving a single compliment from anybody.”

25. We can be incredibly insecure about our looks

“We can be incredibly insecure about our looks. Sorry for not being a six-pack fucking jacked 10/10 6-foot-4 model.”

26. We imagine saving the whole room from a crazed gunman

“We imagine saving the whole room from a crazed gunman. Almost daily.”

27. Random boners

“Random boners and our ability to go on with what we were doing. There is an outstanding chance that a guy has spoken directly to your face with a random boner…just tucked up into the waistband, half an inch of cloth away from poking out and smiling at you.”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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