39 Things Women Will Just NEVER Understand About Being A Man

16. We are stressed out to the point of breaking our body or cracking our mind

“How incredibly stressed out most of us are. People expect men to work themselves to the bone. Your boss will constantly be yelling at you unless you are literally working hard enough to break your body or crack your mind. This is why most guys when asked ‘How was your day?’ will reply ‘It was fine.’ and not want to say anymore. We are home. We are safe now. We don’t want to talk about the period of physical and mental torture we just went through. Use ANY other topic and you’ll get a nice social conversation like you enjoy.”

17. We mean what we say

“That I don’t mean more than I say. There is no secret meaning hidden in every sentence. It means what it says, nothing else.”

18. We’d like a back rub in return every once in a while

“That it would be nice if you rubbed my back once in a while.”

19. It’s a lot of responsibility to “be a man”

“I don’t think women understand just how much responsibility it takes to be a man. In most cases (not all), men are usually the ones who provide for a family. We’ve been told that all our lives that we are going to provide for our spouse and children. Now, pair that along with going to school, maintaining a job, starting and keeping a relationship, etc. It’s probably incredibly hard to be an unattractive male with little money. At the same time, as many others have pointed out, we are expected to mask our emotions and put on a fake persona almost. I’m not saying I want to cry all the time, but we have been taught (at least in Western society) to ‘be a man.’ Being a Shia Muslim, I was listening to sheikh who was making a speech, and he said that the whole concept of not showing emotion and ‘being a man’ is completely wrong. That really struck me as I’ve never heard a man say that publicly. I guess these were just some of the things I wanted to get off my head.”

20. We can be sexually harassed, too

“Guys can be sexually harassed, too.”

21. Why we always gotta be the big spoon?

“Sometimes we want to be the little spoon.”


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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