You Deserve To Detach Yourself From The Toxicity In Your Life

Detaching yourself from toxic people does not necessarily involve big, dramatic, swooping statements accompanied by tantrums and tears.

Detaching yourself can be in the way you contact each other less. Detaching yourself can be in the amount of words you exchange. Detaching yourself can be seen in the quality of conversations you exchange. Detaching yourself can be seen in the different way you view that person in your life. Detaching yourself can be the eradication of the pedestal you had for them. Detaching yourself can lie in the subtlety of closing yourself off from them.

Detaching yourself is not necessarily a loud proclamation — it can also be quiet and still. Just as toxicity can be subtle in the way it manipulates or controls you, extracting yourself from the situation can be just as subtle. You don’t have to feel guilty for removing yourself from the source of toxicity in your life.

Just because it may involve someone who is close to you does not mean they are good for you. Just because it may be someone who you think knows you inside and out does not mean that they hold the end-all answers to the kind of person you should be.

I hope you know that the way those toxic to you view you should not influence the way you view yourself. I hope you know that the way they treat you is not the way you should treat yourself.

I hope you remember that you deserve to be treated kindly. I hope you remember that you deserve to be loved and cared for. I hope you remember that you are entitled to take the necessary steps to mentally detach yourself from these people. I hope you remember that you deserve to detach yourself, whether physically or mentally, from the toxicity in your life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lily Low

On a quest to make the world better and brighter through her words.