woman in white shirt sitting on ground

I Give You Permission To Let Them Go

Let them go when anxiety replaces the excitement.

Let them go when you’re tired.

Let them go when they tell you that they’re not ready.

Let them go when they’re not all in.

Let them go when you’re unable to be your authentic self around them.

Let them go when you’re no longer compatible.

Let them go when they tell you that you deserve better.

Let them go when the thought of you being with someone else doesn’t scare them.

Let them go when they compare you.

Let them go when they’re unsure about you.

Let them go when they can’t compromise.

Let them go when you can no longer give without receiving.

Let them go when it hurts.

Let them go when they’ve given up trying to make it work.

Let them go when the words no longer match the actions.

Let them go when they can’t say those three words back.

Let them go when you’re the only one making plans .

Let them when they agree you would be better off without them.

Let them go when you feel your light dimming.

Let them go because you deserve certainty.

Let them go because you’re great the way you are.

Let them go because no one deserves to feel like they’re not good enough.

Let them go because it won’t get better.

Let them go because you deserve to feel happy.

Let them go because it’s healthy.

Let them go because life is too short.

Let them go because it’s a waste of time.

Let them go because the right person is waiting.

Let them go because you will feel so proud of yourself.

Let them go because it will only hurt for a while, but eventually, that hurt will be replaced with relief.

Let them go because you can.

About the author

Lauren Parker

Lauren likes writing about relationships and self-improvement.